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vol.12 número42Guillermo O’Donnell y su aporte al desarrollo de la democracia en América Latina desde la tercera ola de democratizaciónEstados y desarrollo democrático en el pensamiento de O’Donnell índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista IUS

versión impresa ISSN 1870-2147


DUQUE DAZA, Javier. Abridged states and precarious democracies in Latin America. Rev. IUS [online]. 2018, vol.12, n.42, pp.29-64. ISSN 1870-2147.

The article recovers and highlights the importance of the conceptual and theoretical contributions of O'Donnell. It is proposed to contrast its hypothesis of disjunction between the State and democracy in Latin America using empirical information on the period 2006-2016. Based on the concepts of the author of State, polyarchy and citizenship, the validity and importance of his thesis of correlation between the level of statehood and the development of democracy is emphasized. The analysis of the databases is used to contrast the hypothesis and highlight the explanatory importance of the State in the conditions in which democracy is developed

Palabras llave : State; democracy; polyarchy; citizenship.

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