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vol.13 número2La Deuda Pública, el crecimiento económico y la políticaLa eficacia de la policía en México: un enfoque cualitativo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2594-0686versión impresa ISSN 1870-2333


BRITO RIVERA, Hugo Armando. Resistive talk and formative intervention in a school organization. Polis [online]. 2017, vol.13, n.2, pp.73-105. ISSN 2594-0686.

In the present work are analysed discursive practices of a professional group involved in a formative intervention experience carried out with teachers, managers and administrative staff in a High School located in the State of Mexico.

The theoretical discussion addresses aspects of the sociocultural perspective of organizations, highlighting the relationship between learning, communication and work. The school organization is framed as a activity system according to the activity theory. The relationship between formative intervention, professional competences and local development are exposed parallely to the relevance of approaching resistive talk as a mechanism of participation.

The methodological design subscribes the orientation of the interpretive organizational studies through an emic and situated research approach.

The study provides data on resistances as resources for the potential development of an organization by identifying the relational function of resistive talk beyond its reactive perspective. The analysis of results points out that, in addition to representing tensions and conflicts, it contains dominant meanings of the activity and expresses primary forms of agency.

Palabras llave : activity theory; organizational learning; discursive practices.

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