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vol.13 número2Habla resistiva e intervención formativa en una organización escolarEstudios psicosociales: entre el psicoanálisis, la psicología crítica y todo lo demás índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2594-0686versión impresa ISSN 1870-2333


LLANOS REYNOSO, Luis Felipe; RIVAS, Luis Arturo; LAMBARRY, Fernando  y  TRUJILLO, Mara M.. The effectiveness of police in Mexico: a qualitative approach. Polis [online]. 2017, vol.13, n.2, pp.107-138. ISSN 2594-0686.


the number of murders and distrust of society confirm that the organizational categories of police in Mexico, which would help solve the problems of insecurity are not known. The research objective is to find the qualities that improve the effectiveness of the results of the police.


a qualitative research is developed in two stages. First, an exploratory documentary study within four dimensions: organizational, axiological, human and technological. Second, a correlational study, based on semi-structured interviews with security experts in Mexico.


From the correlational study, there is a fifth dimension: the social dimension. From the cross-analysis of both methodologies we identify 28 exclusive and exhaustive categories related to efficacy.


the map of dimensions and categories was found that explain in a qualitative way the effectiveness of the police in Mexico, which can be the basis for the creation of a management board.

Palabras llave : effective police; police effectiveness; police organization; police qualities; police Mexico.

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