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Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society

versión impresa ISSN 1870-249X


MENDOZA, Guadalupe; PENA-JUAREZ, M.G.; GONZALEZ-CALDERON, J.A.  y  PEREZ, Elías. Use of Chemically Modified Titanium Dioxide Particles to Mediate the Non-isothermal Cold Crystallization of Poly(latic acid). J. Mex. Chem. Soc [online]. 2020, vol.64, n.2, pp.117-136.  Epub 23-Abr-2021. ISSN 1870-249X.

In this work, the effect of the chemical modification of titanium dioxide particles on the non-isothermal crystallization process of polylactic acid (PLA) was studied. Cold crystallization in some polymers occurs above the glass transition temperature (Tg) when the polymer chains gain sufficient mobility to organize themselves into the ordered structure (i.e. the crystal structure) by folding the chains. Cold crystallization in general is caused by the ordering of the molecular chains in the crystalline PLA due to the increased mobility during heating. Through an analysis of the cool crystallization process in DSC at different cooling rates, it was observed that the behavior of PLA and its composites made with titanium dioxide, neat and functionalized with dicarboxylic acids, can be described through the models used for crystallization of the polymer carrying out during cooling, such as Mo’s and Jeziorny’s model. In addition, it was determined that the chemical modification of TiO2 performed with silane increases the crystallization rate in the last step of the process; while the chemical modification with dicarboxylic acid has an accelerated effect on the crystal formation process attributed to the affinity between the aliphatic part of this group and the polymer chains. Also, it was shown that the inclusion of the silanized particles has no effect on the energy requirement compared to the pure PLA process; however, the addition of particles with the dicarboxylic acid decreases the energy value required to complete the crystalline state due to affinity at the surface to immobilize the polymer chains. Finally, it is emphasized that the activation energy required to perform the crystallization of PLA and its composites has positive values, which is an indicator that the crystallization was performed while heating, after reaching and passing the glass transition temperature and before melting.

Palabras llave : Non-isothermal crystallization; titanium dioxide; composites; chemical modification; poly(lactic acid).

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