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Revista mexicana de física E

versión impresa ISSN 1870-3542


FERNANDEZ CRISTOBAL, J. Mª. Radiación de Hawking. Rev. mex. fís. E [online]. 2010, vol.56, n.2, pp.213-226. ISSN 1870-3542.

The aim of this article is to provide a general analysis of the so-called Hawking radiation in black holes from a didactic perspective, including a brief introduction to quantization in curved spacetime. Two main methods for obtaining the radiation spectrum are explained: the original one due to Hawking and the tunneling method. Also, it is shown how the second mechanism can be extended to obtain the radiation spectrum in a different kind of horizon, that associated to the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric. Finally, some recent objections to the derivation by the tunneling method are mentioned.

Palabras llave : Quantization on curved spacetime; Hawking radiation; tunneling method; apparent horizon.

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