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vol.4 número8Brasil, Argentina y la integración regional durante la década de 1960 en el marco de las relaciones con Estados UnidosLa Confianza y la Sunshine Policy en Corea índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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CONfines de relaciones internacionales y ciencia política

versión impresa ISSN 1870-3569


CRENZEL, Emilio. The canonical narrative about the disappearances in Argentina: The report "Never Again". CONfines relacion. internaci. ciencia política [online]. 2008, vol.4, n.8, pp.47-61. ISSN 1870-3569.

This paper analyzes the content of the report Nunca Más (Never Again) elaborated by the "National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons" (CONADEP) created in Argentina in 1983 by the President Raúl Alfonsín to investigate the destiny of the thousands of missing persons caused by the state repression. It examines its strategy to expose the system of disappearance and its reading of the political violence. The paper conclude that Never Again articulated the premises of the restored democracy to think the political violence on the basis of the constructed narrative done to denounce these crimes by the affected of the disappearances. These elements did not illustrate the past in historical terms and they did not even assume the citizenship universal condition of people affected by the state violence.

Palabras llave : Argentina; forced disapeareance; Never Again; narration; past.

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