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vol.13 número21Convergencia tecnológica y nacimiento de las maquiladoras de tercera generación: el caso Delphi-JuárezLa configuración del mercado de trabajo minero en el noroeste de México (1880-1910) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Región y sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2448-4849versión impresa ISSN 1870-3925


CARRILLO, Jorge  y  HINOJOSA, Raúl. Cableando el norte de México: la evolución de la industria maquiladora de arneses. Región y sociedad [online]. 2001, vol.13, n.21, pp.79-114. ISSN 2448-4849.

The auto wiring harness industry began in the 80s, and today it is the main maquiladora export product, and second after engines in this industry. From its beginnings as a simple assembly industry with some plants, it has turned into the main industrial conglomerate in states as Chihuahua. Producers, competitors, suppliers, and public Utilities give account of a fundamental change in this conglomeration process. The employment turnover has increased substantially, and auto parts companies as Delphi are today the main source of private employment in México. Only with regard to harnesses it has 40,000 employees. The evolution of this industry is reflected in a change of the role of the product and the technological advancement. It has turned into the automobile's central nervous system, and as technological content of the vehicles and integrated systems production increase, its role is increasingly more relevant. This article concludes, however, that in the long term harness-assembling companies can emigrate to other regions with cheaper labor force as China.

Palabras llave : harnesses; automotive industry; industrial conglomerate; wiring harness; automotive technology; Cluster; Delphi.

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