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vol.2 número2Percepciones del discurso publicitario en Chichí Suárez, YucatánLa embriaguez del poder: los estancos de aguardiente y la penetración ladina en los pueblos mames guatemaltecos. El caso de Colotenango índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1870-5766


VILLAFUERTE SOLIS, Daniel. Lecciones del presente para una agenda desde el sur de México. Península [online]. 2007, vol.2, n.2, pp.85-96. ISSN 1870-5766.

The present essay examines the potentialities and weaknesses of the states of south of Mexico, especially Chiapas because of its strategic character, historical and natural link with Guatemala and the rest of Central America. It points out the absence of an enterprising business class prepared to invest in regional projects in the context of an open and deregulated economy. Also this essay refers to the absence of a federal government's policy that permits to make even the states of the south with those ones of the center and north of the country. The excessive dependence on the centre of the country has generated harmful processes expressed in the lack of initiatives of the south political actors, from what it raises the need of a renewed federalism, and together with this, it points out the urgency of a revaluation of the strategic natural resources in prospect of a long breath development project.

Palabras llave : federalism; poverty; inequality; exclusion; south of México.

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