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vol.16 número31Kairós y vulnerabilidad de las personas afectadas por enfermedades raras: un análisis semiótico y hermenéuticoVulnerabilidad, opresión e injusticia social: El caso de la diversidad funcional desde la perspectiva de Iris Marion Young índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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En-claves del pensamiento

versión On-line ISSN 2594-1100versión impresa ISSN 1870-879X


LABORA GONZALEZ, Juan José  y  FERNANDEZ VILAS, Enrique. Vulnerability, Risk and Health: Socio-Anthropological Approach to the Diagnosis as Process. En-clav. pen [online]. 2022, vol.16, n.31, e496.  Epub 21-Mar-2022. ISSN 2594-1100.

This paper carries out an analysis, from the point of view of the social sciences, of the concepts of vulnerability and risk in their application to health and, more specifically, to diagnosis understood as a social process. The medical diagnosis, and / or the lack of it, can generate risks to people, due to the possibility of entering into processes of deterioration of social identity, stigmatization or intersectional discrimination; since these phenomena can hinder, or make impossible, the access to the sick role of the people who present any complaint or symptom.

Palabras llave : vulnerability; risk; social imaginaries; health; diagnosis; identity.

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