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En-claves del pensamiento

versión On-line ISSN 2594-1100versión impresa ISSN 1870-879X


VENEBRA MUNOZ, Marcela. Phenomenology of the blood. The self-sacrifice as the myth of the body. En-clav. pen [online]. 2022, vol.16, n.31, e490.  Epub 16-Mayo-2022. ISSN 2594-1100.

Self-sacrifice is a more radical mode of I-body relation, it is a mode of appropriation phenomenologically describable as an act that exhibits and exploits the self-conscious splitting of concretely human life. Self-sacrifice is the act of a self, of a lucidly conscious subject that experiences or constitutes its body under a mythical orientation of meaning (sacralizing or non-ordinary), as a generating or regenerating moment of an order; to sacrifice is to sacralize the body, that is, to consecrate it in law, to assume its collective, spiritual meaning, in one's own flesh. I develop this thesis in three moments, first I describe the structural determinations of the person as the concrete field of understanding of the social that self-sacrifice exhibits: a reflexive self that in self-sacrifice constitutes its own body as a value (among the highest) in its lived materiality, a subject I deal with in the second section, where I distinguish sacrifice from other autarchic deaths such as suicide; finally, in the third moment, I describe the sense of sacralization as socializing concretion of the individual exhibited in self-sacrifice.

Palabras llave : Phenomenology; corporeality; self-consciousness; sacrifice.

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