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vol.1 número5Sinaloense-202, nueva variedad de sorgo para el estado de SinaloaCIRNO C2008, nueva variedad de trigo cristalino con alto rendimiento potencial para el estado de Sonora índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934


ROSALES SERNA, Rigoberto; ACOSTA GALLEGOS, Jorge Alberto; IBARRA PEREZ, Francisco Javier  y  CUELLAR ROBLES, Evenor Idilio. Pinto Coloso, a new dry bean variety for the State of Durango. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2010, vol.1, n.5, pp.739-744. ISSN 2007-0934.

In Durango, farmers demand pinto bean cultivars with slow darkening grains and larger seed size compared to Pinto Saltillo, which is currently the most popular variety. The aim was to generate commercially superior varieties showing slow darkening coat, earlier maturity and larger seed size in comparison to Pinto Saltillo. Pinto Coloso (PT08036) was generated at Durango INIFAP's Experiment Station, applying pedigree method in a simpe cross made between Pinto Mestizo and Pinto Saltillo [(Pinto Mestizo/Pinto Saltillo)-69-2-2]. This cultivar showed an average yield of 1 715 kg ha-1 and fluctuations between 923 kg ha-1 to 2,645 kg ha-1. Pinto Coloso reported, in comparation to Pinto Saltillo, greater earliness to flowering (40 vs 45 days), maturity (81 vs 88 days) and larger seed size (39 vs 30). Pinto Coloso also showed indeterminate growth habit, short non-climbing vines, canopy height range between 34 and 38 cm and 75 cm for vine longitude. Pinto Coloso registered an average of 48 g for 100 seeds weight ranging from 30 to 48 g. Grains showed elliptical shape in transversal view and elliptical-rhombohedric lateral shape, cream colored coat, brown spots and yellow-orange hilum. Pinto Coloso showed tolerance to natural incidence of diseases such as anthracnose and rust, as well as medium to high susceptibility to bacterial blight and root rot. This variety is being validated in farmer's fields to establish adaptability and potential to increase grain quality in pinto bean cultivars produced in Mexico.

Palabras llave : Phaseolus vulgaris L.; grain quality; market; productivity.

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