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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934


REYES-ALEMAN, Juan Carlos et al. Distinction of species of the genus Persea by RAPD and ISSR DNA markers. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2013, vol.4, n.4, pp.503-516. ISSN 2007-0934.

With the aim of establishing a basis to differentiate part of the Persea genetic diversity, specially of the subgenus Persea maintained in the National Avocado Germplasm Repository of Mexico, eight species were studied (P. americana, P. steyermarkii, P. schiedeana, P. lingue, P. nubigena, P. floccosa, P. cinerascens y P. indica) with molecular markers by means of RAPD and ISSR techniques, where the PCR products were separated in acrylamide gels. The DNA fingerprinting was analyzed with multivariate statistical methods and bootstrapping to establish their genomic relationships. Useful DNA polymorphic fragments were found for the inter and intra-specific distinction of the eight species of Persea considered in the study. The statistical analysis of the DNA fingerprints by means of RAPD grouped the different species congruently with the actual taxonomic classification, compared with ISSR. According to the present study, P. indica y P. lingue show less genomic relationship with the rest of the species studied, and this is accordance to the fact that they correspond to the subgenus Eriodaphne. The results permitted to differentiate genotypes of the different species of the subgenus Persea that includes P. americana and an inter-specific hybrid included in the study.

Palabras llave : Lauraceae; avocado; germplasm; molecular markers; plant genetic resources.

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