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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934

Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.7 spe 16 Texcoco may./jun. 2016



Kochia-mesquite agroforestry system established in soils Irrigation District Tulancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico

Miguel Ángel Sánchez Hernández1 

Elizabeth Hernández Acosta1 

David Cristóbal Acevedo2 

Miguel Uribe Gómez2  * 

Prócoro Díaz Vargas2 

Alejandro Lara Bueno2 

1Posgrado en Ciencias en Agroforestería para el Desarrollo Sostenible- Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Carretera. México - Texcoco km 38.5, Chapingo, Texcoco C. P. 56230, Estado de México. México. Tel: 595 952 1540.

2Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Carretera. México- Texcoco km 38.5, Chapingo, Texcoco. C. P. 56230, Estado de México. México. Tel 595 952 1540. (,;;;


In the Irrigation District 028 (DR028) Tulancingo, Hidalgo, for more than 50 years ago farmers use wastewater to irrigate forage crops. Specifically, in the common San Nicolás Cebolletas, whose main problem is the cost of pumping for irrigation, and the common Santa Ana, where the salinity of the soil begins to be evident in some plots. This work was proposed objective characterize physically and chemically (according to the NOM-021-RECNAT-2000) soil to establish an agroforestry system with a timber species and suitable to the conditions of the agricultural area. In parallel, participatory workshops to engage and consider the opinion of producers in the selection of species were performed. The results showed that the soils have nutritional deficiencies, but thepercentages of organic matter (MO), the content of inorganic nitrogen (N) and heavy metals were low, the soil texture was frank. Under these conditions, it was proposed to establish the agroforestry system (kochia-mesquite) under the design of trees in boundaries. According to the results of both the soil analysis and the cost of installation (5 890 pesos) and yield (46.7 t ha-1), it was concluded that agroforestry plantation (kochia-mesquite) is technically acceptable for this soil types, inadditionto showing environmental and economic benefits.

Keywords: alternative production; forage production; soil salinity


En el Distrito de Riego 028 (DR028) Tulancingo, Hidalgo, desde hace más de 50 años los agricultores utilizan aguas residuales para el riego de cultivos forrajeros. Específ icamente, en el ejido San Nicolás Cebolletas, cuyo principal problema es el costo del bombeo para el riego, y en el ejido Santa Ana, donde la salinidad de los suelos comienza a ser evidente en algunas parcelas. El presente trabajo se planteó como objetivo caracterizar física y químicamente (de acuerdo con la NOM-021-RECNAT-2000) los suelos para establecer un sistema agroforestal con una especie maderable y una agrícola, adecuadas a las condiciones de esa área. Paralelamente, se realizaron talleres participativos para involucrar y considerar la opinión de los productores en cuanto a la selección de las especies. Los resultados mostraron que los suelos no presentan deficiencias nutrimentales, pero los porcentajes de materia orgánica (MO), el contenido de nitrógeno inorgánico (N) y de metales pesados fueron bajos, la textura de los suelos fue franca. En esas condiciones, se propuso establecer el sistema agroforestal (coquia-mezquite) bajo el diseño de árboles en linderos. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos tanto del análisis de los suelos como del costo de la instalación (5 890 pesos) y del rendimiento (46.7 t ha-1), se concluyó que la plantación agroforestal (coquia-mezquite) es técnicamente aceptable para este tipo de suelos, además de mostrar beneficios ambientales y económicos.

Palabras clave: producción de forraje; producción alternativa; salinidad de suelos


The agroforestry systems and technologies of land use in which woody perennial species (trees, shrubs, palms, etc.) are deliberately used on the same system of handling agricultural crops and animal production in some form of spatial arrangement or temporal sequence. In agroforestry systems there are both ecological and economic interactions between different components.

The purpose of the system is to achieve a synergism between the components, which leads to net improvements in one or more ranges, such as productivity and sustainability, as well as various environmental and non-commercial benefits. As science is multidisciplinary and of teninvolves, or should involve the participation of peasants or farmers in the identification, design and implementation of research activities (Nair, 1993; ICRAF, 1996).

The timber planting trees boundaries are online at the limits of agricultural plots or farms with the main objective of producing timber or poles (CATIE, 1998). Rojas (2004) defines as sectors that define the properties of neighboring properties or internal areas of crops that also act as windbreaks, living fences and, at the same time serve as a strategy for obtaining timber products of interest (wood and poles) and forest products (wood, pollen, scenic beauty, food for wildlife, etc.), among other goods.

Sewage water

There are four sources of wastewater: domestic or urban, industrial, agricultural uses and rain. Although most (about 90%) comes from the first two, the urban agricultural and rainwater uses acquire ever greater importance due to runoff of fertilizers (phosphates) and pesticides are the main causes of aging of lakes and marshes , a process called eutrophication.

The wastewater is a mixture of organic and inorganic materials suspended or dissolved in water. Most of the former are food and vegetable waste, feces, mineral salts, soaps and synthetic detergents. Greater use of wastewater in agriculture is carried out in the Irrigation Districts 03 and 100 (Tula and Alfajayucan, respectively) located in the Mezquital Valley, Hidalgo, where it is recorded that 120 years began to use these waters from the metropolitan area of Mexico City.

Today the cultivated area is 91 036 ha and fodder crops such as corn, vegetables, grasses occur, etc. Each year the availability of residual water and irrigated area (CONAGUA, 2008) increases. Although Tulancingo water pollution has not yet acquired the dimensions of the problems are in large cities, should not be overlooked that there are contaminants that if they are not served with skill can become a difficult problem solve.

Tulancingo has insufficient sanitary sewer system during the rainy season usually f looded some areas the water sprout public sewers and even within homes. It is recorded that from about 50 years ago the DR 028 makes use of wastewater for irrigation has 997 forage crops such as alfalfa, grasses and corn. Today is third surface of irrigated with wastewater from Hidalgo (CONAGUA, 2009).


Soil contamination

Although the use of waste water for agricultural irrigation has advantages such as increased nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and organic matter (MO), in addition to providing moisture to crops has disadvantages when its use is not considered inappropriate or soil conditions on which they are used. Another form of soil contamination by wastewater use is the possible accumulation of heavy metals and salinization (Montoya, 2010).

Carrillo et al. (1992) indicate that the use of wastewater in the Valle del Mezquital causes the introduction of the following heavy metals to soil: lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu) , manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) in different concentrations, which, when compared with the values of the heavy metals found in the well water, the excess over ten times concentration.

Regarding the type of crops that could be irrigated with treated water are known to the fruit, due to its high sensitivity to certain elements such as boron, chlorine and sodium, they are "prohibited" in irrigated areas with water containing high concentrations of the elements aforementioned.

Vegetables have a higher tolerance range wastewater, however, many of them that have direct contact with the waste water, such as lettuce, carrots, beets and radish, among others, can reach contaminated with heavy metals and plant pathogenic organisms (such as Erwinia spp.) and enteric bacteria, which are those found in the human intestines and cause gastrointestinal diseases (Sáenz, 1998).

The potentially toxic elements (EPT) are those who are involved in biochemical and toxicological processes (Tiller, 1989). For better location, are those metals of the periodic table with atomic number greater than 20, excluding the alkali metals and alkaline. This term is used to classify metals are environmental contaminants among which are: Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni.

According to Gómez (2002), there are two sources of heavy metals in the soil: natural and anthropogenic. Heavy metals contained in the original material or unweathered, are concentrated in soils. Very high concentrations in soils may cause some metal accumulation in plants and cause toxic effects in animals that consume them. They should also be considered volcanic activities that emit heavy metals such as arsenic (As), mercury (Hg) and selenium (Se) (Bradl, 2005).

The use of wastewater in agriculture can increase income MO and nutrients to cultivated soils, contributing to maintaining and increasing soil fertility, but can also bring harmful environmental effects that impair soil quality. That is, the dynamics of organic matter in soil is important because decomposition influences the release of organic and inorganic molecules linked to it (Zamora et al., 2008). Therefore, the input sewage sludge for several years may modify the chemical features and soil fertility (Rovira et al., 2002).

Materials and methods

The irrigation district is located in the southeastern part of the state, between 20° 05 '01'' north latitude; and 100o 02' 19'' latitude east and between 98° 22' west longitude of Greenwich. It is 2 140 meters above sea level and has an area of 997 ha of irrigation (INEGI, 1995). It includes the municipalities of Tulancingo, Santiago Tulantepec de Lugo Guerrero and Cuautepec de Hinojosa, in a proportion of 83.6%, 9.4% and 7% respectively (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Location of DR 028 Tulancingo, Hidalgo. 

The properties under study are located in the suburbs San Nicolás Chives, specifically in the place the locals call Jagüey of hill and in the common Santa Ana in the municipality of Tulancingo, in the state of Hidalgo.

The irrigation district presents, according to Koppen climate classification, modified by García (2004), two types of climates, C(w1)(w) and BS1kw. The first, tempered humid with rainfall in summer, annual average temperature between 12 and 18 °C, with cool summer long, less temperature variation of 5 °C, annual march of the Ganges type temperature, annual rainfall of 43.2 to 55.3 mm for each degree of mean annual temperature. This occurs in the area mainly mounds.

The second, BS1kw, dry semiarid temperate with cool summer long, summer rainfall, winter rainfall between 5 and 10% of the annual total, annual average temperature between 12 and 18 °C, temperature of the warmest month less than 18° C. This climate is predominant, it is mainly in the low and f lat parts of the irrigation district. The rainy period runs from june to october one hand and the absence of rain is from november to march, rising from april and may. The maximum precipitation occurs in september with 105.8 mm and the minimum in december with 7 mm (ERIC III, 2006).

According to the classification of the Dudal (1973), as amended by the INEGI (2000a), the soil units presented in the district are regosols, poorly developed soils whose formation generally depends on the lithology as derived from the rock behind them. No clear differences have layers and have a very clear horizon ochric color and poor in organic matter, which overlies directly on rock or on a horizon C.

The main activities within the irrigation district are irrigated agriculture and intensive farming. Perennial crops are mainly as forage alfalfa, clover and grass forage, but there are also cyclical and fodder corn, oats, beans, peppers, tomatoes, squash, etc. The cattle activity is carried out by small cattle production units, mainly backyard. This activity absorbs forage production (CONAGUA, 2009). It is worth mentioning that due to the proximity to the city of Tulancingo the district has been invaded by urban sprawl, which has led to fragmentation and abandonment of farming areas.

This research was divided into three phases: cabinet, which was to plan and organize participatory workshops and as a second task, field research, which involved the delimitation of the sampling area, sampling and the establishment of a laboratory experiment involving the execution of physical and chemical analysis of soils; and the third was the analysis of the information obtained.

According to the user registry sewage, the module is composed of five suburbs Hueytlalpan Santa Ana, San Nicolás Cebolletas, Tulancingo, La Laguna and Santa María. They are registered in the register a total of 228 users and the total area of pastures irrigated with sewage is 512.4 ha.

According to the CONAGUA (2009), in the DR 028 there is a mode of production based on irrigation. It has registered an area of 997 hectares with a total production of 37 068 t yr-1. There are two types of irrigation: by gravity or rolled and by pumping rolled.

Results and discussion

Chemical determinations in soil

The measured pH is moderately alkaline to alkaline, according to (NOM-021-RECNAT, 2000). The values for samples collected are: Jagüey del Cerro, 7.62, and 8.20 in Tulancingo Santa Ana. The sample obtained in the first no salinity problems (0.79 S m-1). Meanwhile in Santa Ana if any (4.86 S m-1).

As for the permanence of organic matter in the soil, it is transient and continuously renewed by the addition of plant residues or other (Ramos, 2000). The Jagüey del Cerro the content is very low (0.27%) and Santa Ana sample is low (1.34%). Inorganic nitrogen concentrations were low in both Jagüey of hill (13.8 mg kg-1) and Santa Ana (18.4 mg kg-1).

The phosphorus in the Jagüey del Cerro of hill, where irrigation is pumped classified as moderately low (12.05 mg kg-1) it is, unlike Santa Ana where it is very high (125.86 mg kg-1). With regard to the concentrations of potassium in the soil, it was observed that are considerably high in the two samples.

The calcium levels in the soil fluctuate medium (1 807 mg kg-1) in Jagüey of hill and high (4321 mg kg-1) in Santa Ana. In the two samples concentrations ranging from moderately high to high with presents Fe (22.4 to 28.7 mg kg-1) and Mn (27.18 to 26.6 mg kg-1); similarly it was obtained for Cu (0.9 to 2.12 mg kg-1) and Zn (1.6 to 4.86 mg kg-1) medium to high concentrations occur. The boron is needed in small quantities for crop development it promotes the germination of pollen grains, pollen tube growth and seed formation and cell walls. It is the most common micronutrient that appears as limiting for plants and is the most used as fertilizer.

The concentration of boron in Jagüey del Cerro is found at high levels (1.49 mg kg-1) and in Santa Ana at levels classified as very high (3.05 mg kg-1), indicating toxicity to sensitive crops are established in these sites. According to Vázquez (1997) general requirements for crops boron present in the area covered. Regarding the texture, the results of Jagüey of hill correspond to a loam and one in Santa Ana clay loam.

Potentially toxic elements (EPT): Pb, Cd, and Cr

The solubility of several elements, including Pb, Cd and Cr, is inversely related to the pH (Mc Bride et al., 1997). The soils of Jagüey del Cerro and Santa Ana had low concentrations: for Pb, 1.1 and 1.06 mg kg-1, respectively, and 1.62 and 0.23 Cd mg kg-1. The samples are below the values considered critical; according to the established by the US-EPA (1993) they are not contaminated soils. Similarly, subject to the NOM-021-RECNAT-2000, the concentrations of these elements are not present a problem of toxicity to plants.

Ramos et al. (2001) concluded that the content of heavy metals in soils irrigated with wastewater will depend on the concentration containing these waters at the time of irrigation and time you have to use them, this relates to the results obtained in this work and the low concentration of EPT can be directly related to the water used for irrigation. Despite not finding problems with EPT continuous monitoring of soils it is required to detect any problem that comes to file in relation to them.

Establishment of kochia-mesquite system

In the area of Jagüey del Cerro design agroforestry system (kochia-mesquite) had as a basis for settlement the problems expressed by the producers involved in the project during the workshops: given the topological location of the land, irrigation is too expensive and that must be pumped and thus costs increase.

The establishment of species agricultural kochia and forestry mesquite was made at the start of rainy season, with plant quality, strains 40 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter dug with a shovel. Before planting was placed in the bottom of the compost strain, with a design of timber boundaries. Figure 2 shows the spatial and temporal arrangement of the species in the agroforestry system; This only covers the management of pruning’s whose purpose is the formation of a thick trunk as possible and right by removing branches that are born at the base of the plant.

Figure 2 Spatial design of agroforestry plantation according to tree species and agricultural crops in the DR 028 Tulancingo, Hidalgo. 

This system attempts a holistic management of natural resources, associating in the same spot without planned herbaceous vegetation for cattle feed, Shrub and/or vegetation tree that can provide positive impacts on the environment and satisfactions that generate additional income for rural producers, such as wood, wood, resins, fruits, etc (Musálem, 2001).

Cost of establishment of agroforestry system kochia-mezquite

The current value of the initial investment to establish one hectare of agroforestry system kochia-mesquite was $5 890.00. Without considering the acquisition of the cart and the horse to transport the harvested forage at an estimated cost of $7 000.00 which, when added, gives an initial investment of $12 890.00 (Table 1).

Table 1 Cost of establishing a hectare of kochia-mesquite agroforestry system in the DR 028 Tulancingo, Hidalgo. 

It does not include the subsoiling and some other activities to be less frequent. In contrast, the cost of establishing a hectare of alfalfa, dominant crop in the area, is $12 058.00, this according to Pérez (2011), who conducted an economic assessment of the use of wastewater in the module II District 028 irrigation Tulancingo, Hidalgo.

The yield of one hectare of kochia was 46.7 t. The Instituto de Tecnología del Agua (ICTA, 2002) states that kochia (Kochia scoparia) has shown a high forage potential, and its production of green matter of 56 t ha-1. It is a plant that adapts to a wide variety of climates it is tolerant to saline soils and low temperatures (Anaya, 2004). It is high palatability, especially its palatability, good digestibility and low in fiber. It has a percentage of crude protein of 18 to 28%.

Comparatively, according to Pérez (2011), one hectare of alfalfa, dominant crop in the area, has a production ranging between 25.85 and 34.5 t spring in summer; added to this the kochia requires four to six times less water than alfalfa, and has higher yields than this. Thus, more than obvious, the feasibility of kochia as a forage crop in the area (Gutiérrez, 2000).

As mesquite, which has a 100% survival, Franco et al. (2006) note that due to its low water requirement of great part of arid regions and is set to soils with high salt content, but also develops in clay soils and provides wood and fodder.

Place mesquite on the edge of the land brings benefits CATIE (1998), achieved a clear and safe boundaries of the property, avoiding possible legal conf licts with neighboring; produce timber without interfering with the harvest, act as barriers windbreak protection, increase the scenic beauty of the farm and its fruit is also consumed as food; foliage, like pods, feeding livestock, especially during drought or other fodder shortages.

Ramírez (2002) mentions some of the most common mistakes made by incorporating timber to the boundaries of the land, which directly affect both economic and ecological gains. These are not performing work reseeding, do pruning, not perform thinning, repruning (maul or desmochar), “anillar” trees, not wait shifts adequate short to harvest them, and place the wires fences (barbed wire) directly on the trunks.


The participatory workshops allowed to define the needs of the producers to low production and ineptitude presenting their land. Set the lack of agricultural practices on their crops, in addition to agreeing the establishment of agroforestry system (kochia-mesquite) as an alternative to improve current production.

The soil chemistry and physical characterization revealed that the nutritional contents are medium to high (except nitrogen), the organic matter is presented in ranges from very poor to poor, and that the contents of heavy metals are not considered critical for the production of crops or represent environmental risk; similarly it found that salinity occurs in some soils.

Based on soil conditions they presented agroforestry system (kochia-mesquite) was implemented, for being two-tolerant crops such soil properties. The results showed that the agroforestry system is an alternative for the production of fodder and timber species in the soils of DR 028 Tulancingo, Hidalgo.

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Received: December 2015; Accepted: March 2016

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