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vol.5 número3Caracterización técnica, social y comercial de las explotaciones ovinas manchegas, centro-sur de EspañaCaracterísticas nutricionales del forraje de mijo perla en cuatro estados fenológicos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6698versión impresa ISSN 2007-1124


PEREZ-GIL ROMO, Fernando et al. Chemical characterization of native panicles and seed pods of the State of Guerrero, Mexico, for use in animal nutrition. Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias [online]. 2014, vol.5, n.3, pp.307-319. ISSN 2448-6698.

We selected and identified five native forage plants of the State of Guerrero, México, considered unconventional fodder, not currently used for animal feed and having availability periods. The objective was to determine the chemical composition of representative samples of the five plants: seed pods from gramineas and panicles from legumes, as potential resources for ruminants. Analyses were proximal chemical, fiber fractions, amino acids profile, and nutritional factors, minerals, and water soluble vitamins. It was found that the crude protein value ranged between 60 to 202, crude fiber between 132.5 and 354.8, ether extract 17 to 32.4, reported in g kg-1 DM. The lignin content was, in panicles 52-82 and in legume samples was 132-202 g, while the cellulose content was in the grasses 189-276 and in the legume samples was 95 to 269 g. The antinutritional factors analyzed were trypsin inhibitor (1.0 to 4.97 UIT mg-1); saponins and hemagglutinins were not detected. The following minerals were analyzed: Ca (301652), Mg (57-88), K (565-1286), Zn (0.93-5.1) and Fe (8.3-21.0) (reported in g kg-1). 17 amino acids were quantified and 3 hydrosolubles vitamins (B1, B2 and B3) of each sample with values similar to each other. The panicles and seed pods could be considered as an unconventional resource in ruminant feed.

Palabras llave : Food unconventional native; Forage species; Chemical composition; Ruminant feeds.

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