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Revista de filosofía open insight

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8936versión impresa ISSN 2007-2406


SERRANO DEL POZO, Ignacio. Critique of the Ideology of Bureaucratic Authority in After Virtue: MacIntyre Against Weber and with Weber. Rev. insight [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.14, pp.137-163. ISSN 2395-8936.

After Virtue contains a powerful critique of Weberian bureaucratic authority, or managerial authority. A. MacIntyre attacks the fictional feature of the two main attributes that this form of domination possesses according to Max Weber: organizational effectiveness and total predictability of action. The purpose of this paper is to analyze «bureaucratic authority» as the main ideology of domination for the present time that MacIntyre detects. Nevertheless, in the same line of research, we will attempt to show that this critique does not entail a departure from Weber, but rather help MacIntyre, by opposition, to reconstruct the idea of moral virtue present in his ethical project.

Palabras llave : bureaucratic domination; Critique of Ideology; A. MacIntyre; moral virtue; M. Weber.

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