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Revista Chapingo serie ciencias forestales y del ambiente

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4018versión impresa ISSN 2007-3828


RIOS-ALEJANDRO, José G.. Extreme temperatures in the city of Monterrey N. L. México. Rev. Chapingo ser. cienc. for. ambient [online]. 2011, vol.17, n.2, pp.225-230. ISSN 2007-4018.

Considered as a random variable, the lowest temperature of the year in the city of Monterrey, N.L, Mexico is modeled with the Gumbel distribution. Its parameters and some return levels are estimated. Let x be the minimum temperature of the year. In extreme value theory, risk is assessed with xp where the probability that (in a period) x is less than xp ¡s equal to p, so that 1/p is the average number of periods (years) that elapse until the annual minimum temperature is less than xp. In addition, xp is estimated for some values of p, information which is considered important for decision makers. Linear regression, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methodologies are applied.

Palabras llave : Extreme values; Gumbel distribution; return level.

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