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Intersticios sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4964


PEREDO MERLO, María Alicia. En busca de la felicidad. Los libros de autoayuda. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2012, n.4. ISSN 2007-4964.

In this article great publishing production of books called as self-help or personal improvementis discussed . A definition of this mass literature genre and is evolution is presented; also the publishing output in the last years is analyzed in order to found the reasons of itd higth consumption compared to other literary genres. The autor concludes that social transformations have stimulated individualism, competence and consumerism which provoke several dissatisfactions, in addition to the old and new troubles that the individual faces in order to pursue happines . On the other hand, the marketing that surrounds this books offers, in a seductive way, easy common solutions for every kind of people, with no other condition but to read what these authors present: récipes for spiritual welfare.

Palabras llave : self-help literatura; publishing production; spiritual welfare; marketing.

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