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Intersticios sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4964


CORDOVA ABUNDIS, Patricia. Violencia y lenguaje en la narrativa de Élmer Mendoza. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2016, n.11. ISSN 2007-4964.

In this article we analyze violence as a complex phenomenon with social and economic causes that legitimize it through a cultural weakness that is parked in the contemporary world. Literature is considered like a discursive net that contains evidences of how and why violence is developed not only in the cone south countries, but in the north cone countries. It is an approach to the effect from the neoliberal and criminal economy in both a global and a Latin-American context, with emphasis in Mexico. Elmer Mendoza´s narratives, particularly a trilogy composed by the novels Balas de plata, La prueba del ácido y Nombre de perro, are reviewed as a representative combination where a dynamic of subjectivities that ensure the contemporary violence is showed. Moreover it is analyzed how carnivalization that implies a naturalization of violence and an inversion of cultural frames, necroimaginaries, and cussing shape current aggressiveness and bewilderment in global cultures.

Palabras llave : violence; Latin American literature; cussing; necroimaginaries.

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