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Intersticios sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4964


ALMADA BAY, Ignacio  y  LEON FIGUEROA, Norma de. Las gratificaciones por cabelleras. Una táctica del gobierno del estado de Sonora en el combate a los apaches, 1830-1880. Intersticios sociales [online]. 2016, n.11. ISSN 2007-4964.

Pre-Columbian practices of scalping defeated enemies had meanings linked to power and war. Arrival of Europeans altered and spread this practice. The struggle for the regions resources during the XIX Century, between Sonoran residents and the Apache people, incorporated actions like rewarding scalp hunters in order to exterminate the Apache people. This local government tactic, promoted between 1835 and 1886, was counterproductive since Apache attacks became more violent to bring vengeance to the offense. Finally, after the establishment of armies from Mexico and United States, in order to pacify and develop the border region as part of the national state building process put an end to this cruel practice.

Palabras llave : border; native resistance; interethnic relations; Apache; O'odham; Sonora; scalp hunters.

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