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vol.2 número4El impacto del ahorro de las economías asiáticas en el déficit externo de Estados UnidosCaminos bifurcados para G7 y BRICS: políticas económicas diferenciadas en la gestión de la Gran Recesión índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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México y la cuenca del pacífico

versión On-line ISSN 2007-5308


BRAVO VERGARA, José Jesús. La concepción social del poder en la construcción de la hegemonía: los casos de Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos. Méx.cuenca pac [online]. 2013, vol.2, n.4, pp.41-66. ISSN 2007-5308.

Hegemony is a concept related to the primacy on ownership of material capabilities, but also the ability to establish a liable international order. In the so called “Westphalian age” only two states have been considered hegemonic: the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The first one, was conceived as hegemony centered in its material capabilities encouraged by dominance of trade routes, an undisputed naval power, the progress of its industrial revolution, the skills to keep balance between great imperial powers during nineteenth century; the second one developed an hegemonic order based not only in the material capabilities, but also in the acquiescence of international community driven by the multilateralism practice, both states with an understanding of relevance in the application of a social vision of power.

Palabras llave : hegemony; balance of power; multilateralism; international order; international relations.

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