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vol.3 número7Desde tierra y hacia el horizonte marítimo. Una reflexión sobre la relevancia de los establecimientos portuarios del Pacífico novohispano índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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México y la cuenca del pacífico

versión On-line ISSN 2007-5308


FALCK REYES, Melba  y  PALACIOS, Héctor. Los primeros japoneses en Guadalajara. Méx.cuenca pac [online]. 2014, vol.3, n.7, pp.89-124. ISSN 2007-5308.

With the Spaniard’s arriving to the Pacific Ocean through New Spain and the subsequent colonization of Philippines, the first contacts happen between people form New Spain and Japan, where we can point at least two diplomatic missions from each part. Inside that context, there is the history of a couple of Japanese men who became to get an important place in Seventeenth Century Guadalajara’s society. Their names: Luis de Encío and Juan de Páez. Maybe the first one was a samurai before he arrived to Nueva Galicia. About Juan de Páez we discovered that he was born in Osaka city, although it is on schedule find out how he came to Guadalajara. Encío was a prominent merchant during some years in this city; at the time, Páez was one of the richest and important men on the region. This article gives a summary of the history of this two Japanese who became tapatíos, a history that could take part in the one that tells the relationships between Asia and America through the Pacific Rim.

Palabras llave : transpacific relations; history; Japanese migration; New Spain; Japan.

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