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vol.21 número1Prevalencia de enfermedades de la mucosa oral, registradas entre 2014-2018 en un hospital docente en PerúEstrategias y limitaciones de la consejería en salud de enfermería: una revisión integradora de literatura. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Horizonte sanitario

versión On-line ISSN 2007-7459versión impresa ISSN 1665-3262


JACINTO-CARDENAS, Renata  y  RUIZ-PALOALTO, Ma. Laura. Effectiveness of programs in sexual and reproductive education in adolescents. Horiz. sanitario [online]. 2022, vol.21, n.1, pp.129-135.  Epub 26-Mayo-2023. ISSN 2007-7459.


To identify and analyze scientific publications on sexual and reproductive health from the perspective of the educational group, through a review of published works.

Materials and Methods:

An integrative review of the scientific literature in English and Spanish in the national database of the Virtual Health Library during 2016-2019, based on articles that focused on the application of educational programs on sexual and reproductive health in adolescents. A search was performed using the following descriptors in health sciences: (1) Sex Education, (2) Reproductive Health; (3) Adolescent.


The research findings confirm the importance of educational programs in reproductive health as a basis for improving the knowledge of adolescents and giving them tools to feel prepared, make better decisions and face important situations related to their sexual and reproductive health. Of the articles identified with inclusion and exclusion criteria, 8 were selected.


The educational program allows adolescents to increase their knowledge of sexual and reproductive health issues, therefore, its effectiveness is corroborated. The need for more research on sexual and reproductive health is evident where male participation is seen more, and educational programs are evaluated in the long term.

Palabras llave : Sex Education; Reproductive health; Adolescent.

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