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versión On-line ISSN 2007-7858versión impresa ISSN 2007-7521


GOMEZ-LOPERENA, Susana. Informative quality in the representation of social actors in the noticiero Visión Informativa of the Morelense Radio and Television Institute, Channel 49. CienciaUAT [online]. 2018, vol.13, n.1, pp.81-94. ISSN 2007-7858.

The representation of political actors and citizens in news shows of public television networks can be seen as a demonstration of a democratic distribution of social power. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of information in relation to the proportion of inclusion of political actors and citizens, women and men with image and speech, in the news show Visión Informativa, of Channel 49, of the Morelense Institute of Radio and Television. A quantitative content analysis technique with excluding analysis units was applied. The results showed a gap of more than 16.82 %, with a news coverage overrepresentation of men and of less than 16.83 % with news coverage subrepresentation of women, in relation to the proportion of women and men in the state of Morelos in 2015. The political sphere was dominated by men with a representation of 65.85 %, with 63.23 % of image and 64.70 % of speech. Women reached 51.35 % of news representation, with 45.63 % of image and 51.96 % of speech. Regarding the citizens’ sphere, women dominated with 48.64 % of news representation, 54.36 % of image and 48.03 % of speech, men obtained 31.70 % of representation, with 32.64 % of image and 33.82 % of speech. All the international and religious actors were men and registered a 2.43 % of representation, 4.12 % of image and 1.47 % in speech. There is a news overrepresentation of men in the political sphere, and male citizens are less represented than female citizens. Even though women’s representation was below the population rate, there is a 2.71 % gap in female representation in favor of the political sphere, highlighting the dominance in speech of women parliamentarians.

Palabras llave : content analysis; news; public broadcaster.

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