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versión On-line ISSN 2007-7858versión impresa ISSN 2007-7521


MAZORRA-MANZANO, Miguel Ángel  y  MORENO-HERNANDEZ, Jesús Martín. Properties and options for the valorization of whey from the artisanal cheese industry. CienciaUAT [online]. 2019, vol.14, n.1, pp.133-144.  Epub 03-Ago-2020. ISSN 2007-7858.

Whey contains a high concentration of milk components. However, a high volume of it continues to be discarded to the environment, leading to a loss in nutrients and pollution problems. The objective of the present review is oriented to provide information on the nutritional, functional and biological properties of the whey generated by the artisanal cheese idustry. Furthermore, scientific evidence supporting the different opportunities for its valorization, revised under different technological approaches is included. The potential of whey valorization, through its recovery or transformation into value-added products, includes its use in a diversity of food products. Whey use includes the production of requesón (whey cheese), fermented beverages, fruit-flavored drinks, sports drinks, alcoholic beverages, whey buttermilk, ice-cream, candies and popsicles. The transformation of whey produced by the artisanal cheese industry, offer a niche of opportunities to make this industry more profitable. The reduction in loss of highly valuable components (e.g., protein, fat and lactose) by using whey, according to their technological capabilities, represents a suitable option to its valorization, by changing the perception of whey as a waste, but as a source of co-products. The recovery, transformation and reincorporation into the processes, would bring beneficial economic effects to artisanal producers and reduce the environmental impact caused by this industry.

Palabras llave : whey; by-product; co-product; valueadded; dairy products.

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