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Cultura y representaciones sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-8110


GALLIGO WETZEL, Agustina  y  SILVA FERNANDEZ, Alejandro Rafael. Naming politics: Digital press representations of trans and transvestite in a northeast argentine city. Cultura representaciones soc [online]. 2021, vol.15, n.30, 00006.  Epub 13-Feb-2023. ISSN 2007-8110.

This work aims to analize the forms of representation that trans and transvestite population asumme in published news of the newspapers Época, Corrientes Hoy and El Litoral digital portals in the city of Corrientes, Argentina, in order to identify the ways of categori zation of these identities in the periods before and after the enactment of the National Gender Identity Law N° 26.743. For this, the article tries to elaborate a critical analysis of the news starting from gender stu dies, the cultural studies and sociolinguistic analysis in dialogue with the biopolitical category of monstrosity.

Palabras llave : trans and transvestite population; digital newspaper; monstrosity; representations.

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