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Iztapalapa. Revista de ciencias sociales y humanidades

versión On-line ISSN 2007-9176versión impresa ISSN 0185-4259


BARBOZA LEITON, Ivannia. The campeño struggle in two honduran banana novels. Iztapalapa. Rev. cienc. soc. humanid. [online]. 2021, vol.42, n.91, pp.155-181.  Epub 01-Nov-2021. ISSN 2007-9176.

This article analyzes a corpus of the Honduran banana novel from the point of view of heroes and antagonists of working people on plantations or campeños. This support underlies the hypothesis that the characters gravitate in complex intersubjective relationships, the tension is sustained by the banana company together with the governments of the day. I am interested in showing that in the labor and social coexistence of the villagers heroes arise who seek, with a clear sense of conscience, to unite the workers’ movement against the power of the company. When they interact with their peers, it is possible to recognize in them a dialogic structure that points to different interests, which leads to a spectrum of values. For this, the semiotic analysis conveys semas defined as loyalty to the strike movement in the face of betrayal, therefore, it translates into changing dialectics due to the circumstances and individual and collective interests. The conclusions support that in the narrated world of the novels, there is an awareness of otherness that unfolds not only towards acceptance and rejection, on the contrary, there are links between the protagonists with themselves, with others and with the company as part of a sense of national identity and with the world.

Palabras llave : Central American literature; Honduras; banana enclave; identity; otherness.

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