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vol.29 número2Ensayo quirúrgico aleatorio controlado de dos procedimientos para hallux valgus: fracaso en el reclutamientoFormación de un solo hueso en antebrazo, en pseudoartrosis infectada de cúbito proximal índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta ortopédica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 2306-4102


VARELA, R et al. Vertebral hydatidosis: case report. Acta ortop. mex [online]. 2015, vol.29, n.2, pp.110-113. ISSN 2306-4102.

Hydatidosis caused by echinococcus granulosus may affect any organ in the body, with the lungs and the liver as the most commonly affected organs. Vertebral compromise resulting from echinococcus granulosus has a low prevalence and accounts for less than 1% of bone compromise. We report the case of a 50 year-old female who presented at the Trauma Service with progressive low back pain with 5 months of duration that irradiated to the right lower limb, and led to neurologic compromise of the limb. Imaging studies showed spondylodiscitis at T12-L1, confirmed by a biopsy. Treatment of this condition is both orthopedic and surgical. The recurrence rate is high, between 30 and 40%. The objective of describing this case is to propose the differential diagnosis of a vertebral mass of unknown origin and provide details as to how to manage this condition.

Palabras llave : vertebral hydatidosis; echinococcus granulosus; prevalence; recurrence rate.

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