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Acta ortopédica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 2306-4102


VEGA-ESPANA, EA; VILCHIS-SAMANO, H  y  RUIZ-MEJIA, O. Minimally invasive reconstruction of the posterolateral corner with simultaneous replacement of the anterior cruciate ligament for complex knee ligament injuries. Acta ortop. mex [online]. 2017, vol.31, n.6, pp.279-282. ISSN 2306-4102.


To evaluate and describe the results of a simultaneous reconstruction with minimally invasive technique of the posterolateral complex (PLC) and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).

Material and methods:

ACL and PLC reconstruction was performed in seven patients using the technique described, in the period from March to November 2012. All patients were evaluated at six months after the procedure using IKDC and IKSS subjective tests. Their return to work activities and their level of satisfaction were assessed.


Six male and one female patients ranging in age between 26 and 46 years were evaluated. The injuries were mostly caused by sports related accidents. All patients were economically active and required an average period of three months of disability. The assessment and outcomes at six months, according to the IKDC scale, were: one patient with IKDC A, four with IKDC B, one patient with C, and one with D. In the subjective scale IKSS, 80% averaged a knee stability of over 90 points, a patient had a 100-point scale and another, of 70 points.

Palabras llave : Reconstruction; posterolateral corner; anterior cruciate ligament; popliteus; peroneal collateral; rotatory instability.

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