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Acta ortopédica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 2306-4102


BERUMEN-NAFARRATE, E et al. Quantitative classification of pivot-shift maneuver. Acta ortop. mex [online]. 2021, vol.35, n.2, pp.153-157.  Epub 23-Mayo-2022. ISSN 2306-4102.


The diagnosis of ACL injury is established with the physical examination that includes the Lachman maneuver and the pivot-shift test since it has the highest positive predictive value. Imaging tests such as MRI are still used for confirmation of the same; so the quantification of clinical maneuvers is sought.

Material and methods:

Prospective clinical study in which the maneuvers of pivot-shift and Lachman are quantified for later classification.


Of 36 patients, 64% found a range between 0 and 3 mm when subtracting the value of the affected knee from the value of the healthy knee. It was found that 28% of the patients recorded values of KT-1000 ranging between 4 and 6 mm of displacement. In 8% of the total patients, values of KT-1000 were found that exceeded 7 mm of displacement. The data obtained are normalized and classified into 3 degrees of injury: grade 1 with partial injury; grade 2 with complete anteromedial and partial injury in posterolateral bundle; grade 3 with complete injury of both bundles.


A classification is proposed for the degrees of ACL injury with future application to a more personalized reconstruction.

Palabras llave : Cruciate ligament; measurement; instability; diagnosis; classification.

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