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vol.34 número101Propuestas de un nuevo enfoque para afrontar las crisis de deuda soberanaEl trabajo de las ONG y el trabajo en las ONG a la luz del análisis sociológico de las profesiones índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios sociológicos

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6442versión impresa ISSN 0185-4186


ALBINI PINHEIRO, Daniela  y  SERAFIM, Milena Pavan. Software and IT services policy in Brazil: social, political and economical conditions.Traducido porFátima Andreu. Estud. sociol [online]. 2016, vol.34, n.101, pp.295-323. ISSN 2448-6442.

The paper analyzes, from a historical perspective, conditions and characteristics of Brazilian’s software and IT services policy from the military governments to the recent period, trying to understand its conformation and connection to the industrial and science and technology policies and its participating actors. Through literature review, it was observed that, during the military period, the instruments and objectives of an industrial policy was prevalent in information technology policy. The software policy and IT services in the 1990s prioritized external competitiveness and export of private enterprises. In the 2000s, except for two programs, the policy had general support measures for R&D in enterprises and university-industry relationship. Recently, the IT Maior Program was created, focusing on software and IT services industry, with S&T policy features and integrated with industrial policy instruments.

Palabras llave : software and IT services policy; public policies.

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