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vol.72 número1Deuda externa y reconocimiento. Triangulación de intereses en el conflicto México-Texas, 1837-1844Generales mulatos y habaneras trasatlánticas. La independencia de Cuba desde una editorial mexicana, 1895-1898 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Historia mexicana

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6531versión impresa ISSN 0185-0172


MILAN LOPEZ, Juan Alfonso. The discourse of the lithographs that accompanied the historical novels of Mateos and Riva Palacio during the early years of the Restored Republic (1868-1870). Hist. mex. [online]. 2022, vol.72, n.1, pp.43-88.  Epub 20-Jun-2022. ISSN 2448-6531.

This article analyzes the discourse contained in the lithographs that illustrated the historical novels that appeared in the early years of the Restored Republic (1868-1870). These visual exercises aimed to consolidate national identity and keep the flame of liberal patriotism alive. It aims to show how these images were not a mere illustrative element, but that they had their own message, being pedagogical references for the political and literary elites when educating the population, useful for denouncing the vices and abuses of the colonial era, praising the heroes of the independence movement and encouraging the collective memory of recently-experienced events such as the French Intervention and the Second Empire.

Palabras llave : lithograph; historical novel; liberal patriotism; liberal polygraphs; Restored Republic.

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