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El trimestre económico

versión On-line ISSN 2448-718Xversión impresa ISSN 0041-3011


RUBIO, Daniela  y  FARIAS, Mauricio. Efectos escolares en las escuelas de nivel medio superior de la Ciudad de México. Un estudio de valor agregado. El trimestre econ [online]. 2013, vol.80, n.318, pp.375-399. ISSN 2448-718X.

This study explores the relationship between the type upper secondary schools in Mexico City and their effects in student achievement in mathematics among students. We use student test scores in two points in time: Comipems-Exani I (2005) and ENLACE (2008). By applying an added value model, the differences between the systems bachillerato general, bachillerato tecnológico and professional técnico bachiller can be seen. Additionally, we reduce the selection bias using a propensity score matching methodology. We conclude that when controlling for the students' socioeconomic background variables, there is still a strong relationship between the type of school and student gains. Also, when we compare student grupos between bachillerato general and tecnológico, we find that the group of students attending bachillerato tecnológico has a positive effect of 0.39 standard deviations in the ENLACE test. However, when we compare groups from bachillerato general to profesional técnico bachiller, there is a negative effect in the students from professional técnico bachiller of -0.138 standard deviations in the same test.

Palabras llave : México; educación media superior; desigualdad en logro escolar; efectos escolares en matemáticas.

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