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vol.35 número97Evaluación de la calidad de la educación primaria en el Distrito Federal con base en los estándares de eficacia y eficiencia de matemáticas y educación física, en Escuelas de Tiempo Completo y Escuelas de Tiempo Oficial durante 1995-2000 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Investigación administrativa

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7678versión impresa ISSN 1870-6614


LITTLEWOOD ZIMMERMAN, Herman Frank. Antecedentes de la rotación voluntaria de personal. Investig. adm. [online]. 2006, vol.35, n.97, pp.7-25.  Epub 06-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2448-7678.

In order to test a personnel voluntary turnover model applicable to similar mexican organizations, the study administered a survey to 142 employees of five branches (Cuernavaca, Mor., Toluca, Mex., Pachuca, Hgo., San Juan del Río, Qro. and Tlaxcala, Tlax. ) of a mexican financial organization. Results support the stated hypotheses: job search is significantly and negatively related to intention to stay (r = -.65 and p < .01); affective organizational commitment is significantly and negatively related to job search (r = -.54 and p < .01); and perceived organizational support is significantly and positively related to affective organizational commitment (r = .62 and p < .01). In agreement with the proposed model and by means of structural equations modeling, it was found that voluntary turnover is sequentially preceded by perceived organizational support, affective organizational commitment, job search and intention to stay (Chi square= 40.43, df=31 and p < 0.12; GFI=.96; RMSEA=.049; NFI=.96 and R2=.64).

Palabras llave : Turnover; Intention to Stay; Job Search; Organizational Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support.

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