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vol.35 número97Influencia del currículo formativo en la adquisición de los valores de respeto y responsabilidad en los alumnos de educación básica. Caso: Escuela Simón BolívarEstrategias competitivas para los productores cafetaleros de la región de Córdoba, Veracruz, frente al mercado mundial índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Investigación administrativa

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7678versión impresa ISSN 1870-6614


PINEDA DOMINGUEZ, Daniel; TORRES MARQUEZ, Clara  y  RESENOS DIAZ, Edmundo. Modelo de infusión-difusión de innovaciones tecnológicas estratégicas y la efectividad de las empresas de bienes y servicios. Investig. adm. [online]. 2006, vol.35, n.97, pp.58-69.  Epub 06-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2448-7678.

In this paper we present one model that shows the activities of diffusion and infusion processes which most time are delated on the development of strategic Technologies Innovations (TI´s) in relationn with the most important porposes enterprises, that is, its competitiveness. TI´s and competitiveness are the final outputs from several internal processes needed to mantain or give competitive advantage to the organization. At first, it is the knowledge development through utile information for the organization, and secondly, there are the competition effectiveness factors enterprises (cost, quality, time respons, and so on). The model was obtained analyzing the diffusión and infusión processes of information that is internaliced in the people and in the organization where at time is transformed in knowledge and finaly in technologycal competences of the firms or their effectiveness factors of competition. The indicators factors of the variables and their dimensions was utilzed in one questionary to collect information in 22 mexican manufacturing and services enterprises wherefrom resulted a 0.65 correlation factor 0.01 confiability in this phenomenon.

Palabras llave : strategic Technologies; innovation; difusión; infusión; effectiveness.

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