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IE Revista de investigación educativa de la REDIECH

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8550


ESQUIVEL CRUZ, Margarita de la Caridad. The process of integration of kids and teenagers to the performing arts and dance workshops in Casa de Cultura Pedro Junco in Pinar del Río, Cuba. IE Rev. investig. educ. REDIECH [online]. 2018, vol.9, n.16, pp.7-27. ISSN 2448-8550.

This study contains the conceptual frame and the methodology used in a qualitative investigation carried out to reinforce the process of integration of kids to the performing arts and dance workshops in Casa de Cultura Pedro Junco in Pinar del Río, Cuba, where asymmetry was found in the relationship established by male and female children. This was identified as a drawback that jeopardizes the humanistic project in Cuban artistic education. The integration mentioned above plays a significant role in the development of kids as citizens committed with the contexts and society and having as its basis their capabilities, abilities and values. This study begins by identifying needs and strengths in the process of integration of kids to the performing arts and dance workshops and includes the methodological planning and its procedure to make both reflection and active participation possible.

Palabras llave : dance; integration; gender; children’s theater.

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