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vol.9 número16Modelos de prevención del bullying: ¿qué se puede hacer en educación infantil?La formación del profesorado universitario para la atención a la diversidad en la educación superior índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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IE Revista de investigación educativa de la REDIECH

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8550


VALDES MORALES, René Alonzo. Inclusive leadership: The importance of management teams in developing an inclusion culture. IE Rev. investig. educ. REDIECH [online]. 2018, vol.9, n.16, pp.51-66. ISSN 2448-8550.

Literature has been precise when positioning school leadership as a key variable to improve academic performance. However, significantly less information is available in the context of schools that are seeking to move towards a more inclusive model. The objective of the present work is to offer a comprehensive view on the relevance of management teams in developing a culture of inclusion. It highlights that an inclusive leadership involves installing a philosophy of inclusion, leading processes of diversity management and promoting a sense of cohesive school community. In addition, this inclusive leadership does not fall solely on the principal’s figure but is shared and promoted by the entire management team.

Palabras llave : inclusive culture; management teams; diversity management; inclusive leadership.

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