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IE Revista de investigación educativa de la REDIECH

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8550


HUERTA OROZCO, Alfredo. The sense of belonging and identity as a determinant of behavior, a complex thinking perspective. IE Rev. investig. educ. REDIECH [online]. 2018, vol.9, n.16, pp.83-97. ISSN 2448-8550.

Human behavior is not the product of a single factor or a single cause, but we must analyze the different perspectives for a single behavior. Depending on an innumerable diversity of stimuli and considerations such as the real needs that each individual conceives and the interpretation that this has on its degree of satisfaction and its source. In the present reflection, we start from the previously stated to argue about the importance of the role played by emotions and the coexistence in determining the sense of belonging and the intrinsic commitment that is generated with the source of satisfaction. This source is strengthened through recognition and enhancement of personal identity that, at least apparently, respects the true self, contributing to the cognitive development of the individual, which we can translate as the fundamental elements of the personality that sustain the essence of each person. Complex thoughts, acting as a pillar of a transdisciplinary perspective, force, through a methodology considered as anarchistic due to its relativistic overtones, a situational dialogue to exist between the absolute truths of human behavior and its skepticism-filled antagonistic interpretations. This with the purpose of settling each one of the approximations of reality, which come from our own interpretation schemes.

Palabras llave : behavior; identity; complex thinking; sense of belonging; transdisciplinarity.

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