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Revista mexicana de medicina familiar

versión On-line ISSN 2696-1296versión impresa ISSN 2007-9710


PEREZ-VILLALVA, Ana B.; RIQUELME-HERAS, Héctor M.; JUAREZ-TREVINO, Marco A.  y  PEREZ-VILLALVA, Pablo E.. FREQUENCY OF LONELINESS IN ELDERLY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN A REGIONAL HOSPITAL IN NUEVO LEON. Rev. Mex. med. familiar [online]. 2022, vol.9, n.4, pp.109-115.  Epub 30-Ene-2023. ISSN 2696-1296.


Loneliness is a subjective and multidimensional sentiment. It is more prevalent in vulnerable population groups. It is a health indicator.


Determine the perception of loneliness in the elderly and its relationship with other population characteristics’ during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

Material and methods:

An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study carried out in a Family Medicine consultation service of a tertiary care hospital. Sample size: 249. After explanation and verbal acceptance of the participation a questionnaire was applied with sociodemographic data, clinical characteristics, aspects during the COVID-19 pandemic, and loneliness scale in the elderly (IMSOL-AM), developed in Mexico, internal consistency: α = 0.95.


Women were 62.7% with a mean age of 65 years; 27.3% were Monterrey residents. Most of them (88.4%) lives accompanied, 11.6% lives alone. Importantly, 67.5% was kept in isolation during the pandemic; 56.6% sleeps 7 hours or more, and approximately 5% have risk and experimented loneliness. Association between hours of sleep and the presence of sentiment of loneliness was demonstrated (p < 001).


Almost 5% were at risk or experienced loneliness. There was an association between feeling of loneliness and hours of sleep.

Palabras llave : Elderly; COVID-19; Loneliness.

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