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Estudios de historia moderna y contemporánea de México

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2620


CALDERA-VILLALOBOS, Martín. The Ateneo Fuente and the Creation of the School of Chemical Sciences in Coahuila, 1867-1957. Estud. hist. mod. contemp. Mex [online]. 2024, n.67, pp.257-285.  Epub 05-Abr-2024. ISSN 0185-2620.

This paper presents a description of the development of chemistry in Coahuila with emphasis on the academic field, linking scientific-technical education with the economic-industrial development of Coahuila. The study focuses on the Ateneo Fuente, a high-school founded in 1867 in Saltillo, where chemistry was taught in the baccalaureate and the Pharmacy courses. In the 1940s, the industrialization of Coahuila and the Northeast of Mexico led to the opening of a School of Chemical Sciences dependent on the Ateneo Fuente. Throughout the work, the study plans of the baccalaureate and of the careers taught at the School of Chemical Sciences are analyzed and compared. A brief review of the teaching of chemistry in other contemporary schools of the Ateneo Fuente is also made. Finally, an outline was depicted about the influence that this school of Chemical Sciences had on the industrial activity of Coahuila.

Palabras llave : history of chemistry; pharmacy; 19th century; 20th century; chemical education; Northeast of Mexico; Ateneo Fuente.

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