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 número62Digital/analógico o de las implicaciones de la comunicación para la deriva epistemológicaLa relevancia de la relevancia: Olvido de estrategias y contingencia en la memoria posmoderna índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Historia y grafía

versión impresa ISSN 1405-0927


MOREY FARRE, Miguel. Zarathustra’s Gesture: That’s How I Wanted it. Hist. graf [online]. 2024, n.62, pp.59-72.  Epub 26-Ene-2024. ISSN 1405-0927.

This writing was born without a summary, without the need to reduce in lines what the conditions of possibility of history and contingency provoke. This dissertation presented by Miguel Morey comes from loud disputes, betting on historicity, contradiction and chance, where Zarathustra’s gesture shows that, since there is no origin, only the incessant provenance that occurs between knowledge and knowing, they propose a historical meaning, never given but open to the future. In these lines, Nietzsche’s untimely ideas enter the scene, to remind us that what is given is always to come, in a challenge that will never cease against universals, assuming the differences between the real and the rational that never end up converging, and where in turn the historical a priori dictates or justifies the inheritance to his heirs. Thus, the Nietzschean contingency that is presented in these lines is the gesture of a thought that is put into work and action incessantly, blurring itself in the multiplicity and heterogeneity of the registers noisily and silently, playing between the eternal return, where each repetition opens the possibility of instability and event, between unfoldings and overflows of meanings, which reminds us that we are contingent, finite, uncertain and fragmentary beings...unstable between lack and the future.

Palabras llave : Zarathustra.

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