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versión On-line ISSN 2007-7033versión impresa ISSN 1665-109X


NAVIA ANTEZANA, Cecilia; CZARNY, Gabriela  y  SALINAS SANCHEZ, Gisela Victoria. Indigenous university students and training processes. Sinéctica [online]. 2019, n.52, 00002. ISSN 2007-7033.

The objective of this article is to analyze the training processes of students of the licenciatura en Educación Indígena de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. From an interpretative perspective were use two strategies to gather information: An opened questionnaire and accompany pedagogy work records. The text comes within the field of higher education and indigenous people that in the last years have been visibilized in the debate about the ways of producing knowledge and the importance to reclaim the silence voices in the processes of the indigenous professionalization. These exigencies are shown in the confrontation field of speeches in neo-indigenism’s State, from the postcolonial and de-colonial perspective and the roll of academy and indigenous people in the knowledge processes production. The university experience offers elements that give to the personal and collective reconfiguration to their training processes and community ascription, to strength themselves as individual and collective subject, in interaction that contains provisions in favor to develop projects for and with indigenous people.

Palabras llave : higher education; indigenous students; professional training dedescolonization.

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