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vol.24 número48Las municipalidades y los procesos de desamortización. Los terrenos del Santo (Buenos Aires, siglo XIX)El debate anticlerical en la coyuntura de la Cristiada, un acercamiento desde revistas latinoamericanas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1665-4420


MENDOZA GARCIA, Leticia. Liberal presbyterians, porfirists and revolutionaries. Michoacán, 1876-1914. Sig. his [online]. 2022, vol.24, n.48, pp.230-267.  Epub 01-Ago-2022. ISSN 1665-4420.

The objective of this paper is to expose the participation of the Presbyterian liberals from Zitácuaro, Michoacán, in political affairs, which was felt from the beginning of the Porfiriato, continuing their activism during the Maderista government, and later during the Carrancista revolution. Through a socio-political analysis, the position of this group of Presbyterian liberals will be analyzed face of state and federal reelections; his opinion on the policy of conciliation between the State and the Catholic Church; his foray into the armed struggle; and finally, its political rearrangement at the local level before the triumph of constitutionalism. It is shown with the above that they were declared porfiristas and that their incursion into the revolution alongside the constitutionalists, corresponded to the need to adapt to the new political circumstances.

Palabras llave : Porfiriato; Mexican Revolution; conciliation policy; reelectionism; Protestantism.

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