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Journal of applied research and technology

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6736versión impresa ISSN 1665-6423


OBEIDA, M. S.; ABABNEH, W.  y  THEEB, N. A. Al. The preference selection index performance in large alternatives’ decisions to support the AHP: The case of a university selection. J. appl. res. technol [online]. 2023, vol.21, n.1, pp.56-72.  Epub 23-Mayo-2023. ISSN 2448-6736.

Two multi-criteria decision-making approaches were implemented in this paper for selecting a U.S. university considering the industrial engineering doctorate as a case study. These approaches were the Preference Selection Index (PSI) and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). A total of 37 universities and 20 attributes were considered. The attributes were related to the university’s reputation, location, finances, and ease of admission. In this paper, the PSI model was initially constructed and its results were adopted in the AHP model. Data for this paper were obtained from the US News and World Report, Times Higher Education (THE), and other well-known organizations. Results proved that the PSI approach could be used in decisions with a large number of alternatives and attributes, and the PSI model was able in making the AHP model requirements easier, by reducing the criteria and alternatives. In both the PSI and the AHP models, the university’s reputation had the highest preferences of students, followed by the ease of admission, finances, and then location. Sensitivity analyses for the PSI and AHP models were performed to evaluate the accuracy of the results. The results of this study could be applied to other students’ disciplines for finding a suitable university.

Palabras llave : Multi-criteria decision making; preference selection index; analytical hierarchy process; graduate program admission; sensitivity analysis; industrial engineering.

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