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vol.18 número1Antsiwinik. Expresarse como homosexual en una secundaria de contexto indígenaLogros y retos de una universidad autónoma en su rol de formar ciudadanía: la perspectiva de sus estudiantes índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2007-8900versión impresa ISSN 1665-8027


PLASCENCIA-GONZALEZ, Martín  y  NUNEZ-PATINO, Kathia. Childhood in Rural Schools Along the Coast of Chiapas: Conditions of Preschool Education Centers. LiminaR [online]. 2020, vol.18, n.1, pp.142-163.  Epub 15-Mayo-2020. ISSN 2007-8900.

In research on the diversity of childhood studies and those that addressed early childhood in ruralcontexts in particular, I examined the situation of primary schooling along the coastal area of Chiapas from thepoint of view of teachers and administrative staff. The data collected comes from preschools, Community EducationCenters run by the National Council of Educational Development (CONAFE), and a Child Development Center(CDI). I review the results of the physical, training, legal, and care conditions of these schools and discuss thesein the context of childhood schooling and the marginalization of education in rural contexts.

Palabras llave : early childhood; schooling; rural schools; early childhood education; educational personnel.

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