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Nova scientia

versión On-line ISSN 2007-0705


HUERTA-LARA, Manuel et al. Survival and yield of bean varieties with horizontal resistance to water stress in the Sierra Nororiental de Puebla. Nova scientia [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.27, 00002.  Epub 21-Feb-2022. ISSN 2007-0705.


Beans are most widely cultivated legume in the world. In Mexico it is second most important crop after corn and of basic importance for human consumption. Selection of varieties tolerant to water deficit constitutes a strategy to increase the genetic stability of crops and reduce losses in yield in order to define specific agroecotypes for bean crop.


Objective of work was to evaluate four varieties of black beans with horizontal resistance to hydric stress under rainstorm conditions in acid soils in two localities of Northeastern Sierra of state of Puebla. A randomized complete block design with 10 treatments and 5 repetitions was used; variables evaluated were a) survival during phenological cycle of crop and b) potential yield with addition of agricultural lime to soil, during 2019 agricultural cycle.


The emergence of the crop was recorded 10 days after sowing (dds), flowering (60 dds) and physiological maturity at 124 dds, in San Juan Acateno of the municipality of Teziutlán and in Pezmatlán of the municipality of Tlatlauquitepec. The Huejonapan and Acatlán bean varieties without lime application, obtained the highest potential yield with 757 and 562 kg ha-1 respectively in the town of San Juan Acateno under rainstorm conditions during the 2019 agricultural cycle.


Application of agricultural lime did not have a significant effect on yield of improved varieties, as well as in Michigan regional control; However, highest production was presented in Huejonapan and Acatlán variety without application of agricultural lime during 2019 agricultural production cycle for town of San Juan Acateno in municipality of Teziutlán, Puebla.

Palabras llave : Phaseolus vulgaris; thermal time; phenology; agricultural lime; yield; beans; bean varieties; horizontal resistance; water stress; Puebla; legumes; crops; genetic stability; agroecotypes.

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