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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934

Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.6 spe 12 Texcoco nov./dic. 2015



Seaweed extract and its relation to photosynthesis and yield of a grapevine plantation

Alejandro Zermeño Gonzalez1  § 

Blanca R. López Rodríguez1 

Aarón I. Melendres Alvarez1 

Homero Ramírez Rodríguez2 

José Omar Cárdenas Palomo3 

Juan P. Munguía López4 

1Departamento de Riego y Drenaje, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Buenavista, Saltillo, Coahuila. México. C. P. 25315. Tel: 844 411 0353.

2Departamento de Horticultura, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Buenavista, Saltillo, Coahuila. México. C. P. 25315. Tel: 844 411 0353.

3Palau Bioquim S.A. de C.V. República Oriente, Saltillo, Coahuila, México. C. P. 25280. Tel: 844 412 8082.

4Departamento de Agroplásticos, CIQA, San José de los Cerritos, Saltillo, Coahuila, México. C. P. 25294. Tel: 844 438 9830.


The seaweed extracts as biofertilizers are natural sources that increase the growth and yield of crops and improve the harvest quality. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the application of the seaweed Saragassm spp., to a grapevine plantation (cv Shiraz), in the leaves chlorophyll content, net CO2 ecosystem exchange, yield and fruit quality. The study was established in the San Lorenzo wine company, Parras, Coahuila, during the 2014. The study was conducted in two sections of the grapevine plantation of 5.2 ha. On one of these sections, the seaweed extract was applied to the soil and foliage. To evaluate the leaves chlorophyll content and the yield and fruit quality, three treatments were established: control (with no application of the seaweed extract), with application only to the soil and with application to the soil and leaves. The CO2 ecosystem exchange (canopy level) was obtained applying the eddy covariance method, using one three dimensional sonic anemometer and one open path CO2/H2O analyzer. The results of the study showed that the application of the seaweed extract to the soil and leaves increased the leaf chlorophyll content (Tukey, α≤ 0.05), however, this was no reflected in a yield increase neither the fruit Brix degrees. The application of the extract only to the soil increased the juice acidity, while the application to the soil and plant leaves decreased the pH.

Keyword: eddy covariance; leaves chlorophyll content; net CO2 ecosystem exchange; Sargassun spp.


Los extractos de algas marinas como biofertilizantes son materiales naturales que incrementan el crecimiento, rendimiento y mejora la calidad de los cultivos. Por lo que el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la aplicación del extracto del alga marina Sargassum spp. a una plantación de vid (cv Shiraz), en el contenido de clorofila, intercambio neto de CO2, rendimiento y calidad de frutos. La investigación se realizó en la Vinícola San Lorenzo, Parras, Coahuila, en 2014. El estudio se estableció en dos secciones de 5.2 ha dentro de la plantación, a una de ellas se le aplico el extracto al suelo y vía foliar. Para la evaluación del contenido de clorofila en las hojas, rendimiento y calidad del fruto se establecieron tres tratamientos: control (sin aplicación del extracto), con aplicación solo al suelo y aplicación al suelo y foliar. El intercambio neto de CO2 (a nivel dosel) se midió con el método de la covarianza Eddy, utilizando un anemómetro sónico tridimensional y un analizador infrarrojo de bióxido de carbono y vapor de agua. Los resultados del estudio mostraron que la aplicación del extracto de la alga marina al suelo y foliar aumento el contenido de clorofila de las hojas (Tukey, α≤ 0.05); sin embargo, esto no se reflejó en incremento del rendimiento ni los grados Brix de los frutos. La aplicación del extracto solo al suelo aumento la acidez, mientras que la aplicación al suelo y vía foliar disminuyo el pH.

Palabras clave: contenido de clorofila; covarianza eddy; intercambio neto de CO2; Sargassum spp.


The biofertilizers from seaweed extracts are natural bioactive materials that are soluble in water, are natural organic fertilizers that promote seeds germination and increase the crops growth and yield (Norrie y Keathley, 2005). The seaweed extracts can be used as nutritional supplements, bio stimulants or fertilizers in agriculture and horticulture. As biofertilizers, the application can be in liquid extract or granular (dust) to the soil or the foliage (Hernández et al., 2014). The use of seaweed extracts as biofertilizers in agriculture has increased in the last years. (Dhargalkar y Pereira 2005). Seaweed extracts contain a large amount of bioactive substances such as: vitamins, minerals, growth regulators, organic compounds, humectant agents and collide mucilaginous (agar, allogenic acid and mannitol) that help to retain humidity and nutrients in the soil upper layers (Subba et al., 2007).

Previous studies have shown that application of seaweed extracts stimulate the soil microorganisms activity, that induce a greater availability of nutrients for the plant, facilitating absorption, reduce soil compaction, aeration and soil holding capacity (Selvaraj et al., 2004; Khan et al., 2009). Seaweeds also have a positive effect on the soil biological activity (respiration and nitrogen movement) because promote microbial diversity, creating an adequate environment for the root growth (Sarwar et al., 2008).When incinerated, the seaweeds leave behind an ashes residual that is five to six times greater that the residual of plants, consequently, have more metabolites and enzymes therefore, when seaweed or its extracts are used in agriculture, a more complex enzymatic extract is delivered to the soil and plant (Gopinath et al., 2008).

Previous studies have also shown that the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacity are bigger in plants treated with applications o seaweed extracts to the soil and foliage (Spinelli et al., 2009; Thirumaran et al., 2009; Sunarpi et al., 2010; Bai et al., 2011; Kumari et al., 2011; Hernández et al., 2014). Sivasankari et al. (2006) reported that the chlorophyll content and the carbon dioxide assimilation of a wild pea crop (Vigna sinensis) increased with the application of the seaweed extracts Sargassum wightii y Caulerpa chemnitzia. Sabir et al. (2014) observed an increase on yield and fruit quality of a grapevine crop due to the application of the seaweed extract Ascophyllum nodosum.

The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of the application of the biofertilizer “Algaenzims®”made from extract of the seaweed Sargassum spp. in the chlorophyll content, net carbon dioxide exchange and its relation to growth and fruit yield of a grapevine plantation cv Shiraz.

Materials and methods

The study was done in the San Lorenzo wine company, located in Parras, Coahuila, Mexico. The work was conducted in two sections of a grapevine plantation cv Shiraz of 5.2 ha each one (204 m in the E-W direction by 256 m in the N-S direction). The vineyard is eight years old with plants of 2 m at the highest foliage growth. The plants are in a planting framework of 1.5 m between plants and 2.5 m between rows, with 2 620 plants ha-1.

Agronomic management of the vineyard

The plants are drip irrigated (0.75 m between emitters) applying a flow of 2.1 LPH. The plants are watered 2 h daily during the crop growth production cycle. Each section received the same crop management (pruning, irrigation, fertilization and plant health control) following the norms established by the San Lorenzo wine company.

Treatments applied

On March 14 2014 to one of the sections of the vineyard, 1 L ha-1 of extract of the seaweed Sargassum spp. (Algaenzims®) was applied to the soil. Later, on April 29 the same dose of the extract was applied to the plant leaves.

Chlorophyll content

The difference in leaf chlorophyll content between the plants with and without the application of seaweed extract were evaluated with a completely randomized statistical design with three treatments: without the biofertilizer, with application only to the soil and with application to soil and plant leaves and 10 replications, where the experimental unit was the average value of six reading of chlorophyll per leaf of 10 leaves per plant of a group of three plants, so that each replica corresponded to the mean of 180 readings. The leaves chlorophyll content was obtained with a portable gauge (SPAD 502 Plus, Spectrum, Technologies, Inc.). The sampled leaves where from the middle of each shoot under shade conditions avoiding the exposition of the SPAD to direct solar radiation. Treatment means were compared with the Tukey test (α ≤ 0.05).

Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide

The net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (NEE) between the vineyard canopy and the atmosphere was obtained with the next relation (Marterns et al., 2004):

NEE= FCO2+ ΔρCO2Δt*Z 1)

Where: FCO2 is the carbon dioxide flux between the vineyard canopy and the atmosphere (measured with the eddy covariance method), ΔρCO2 is the change in the CO2 density measured to the height Δz, Δt is the time interval (30 min), Δz is the height above the soil surface where the flux measurements are made (3 m), the FCO2 was obtained with eddy covariance measurements (Ham y Heilman, 2003). With the relation:

FCO2= wρCO2¯ 2)

Where w is the vertical wind speed, ρCO2 is the carbon dioxide density. The variables with the prime symbol are deviations from the mean and the horizontal line above two variables denotes the covariance between the variables for a given time segment (30 min). For that, an eddy system with the corresponding sensors was installed (Figure 1). The vertical wind speed was measure with a three dimensional sonic anemometer (CSI-CSAT3, Campbell, Scientific, Inc., Logan, Utah, USA); to obtain ρCO2 an open path CO2/ H2O infrared gas analyzer was used (Open Path CO2/H2O analyzer, LI-7500. LI-COR, Lincon, Nebraska USA).

Figure 1 Sensors of an eddy system above a grapevine plantation (cv Shiraz) to measure the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) between the vineyard canopy and the atmosphere. 

The sensors were mounted on a pole 3 m above the soil surface (1.2 m above the vineyard canopy), that was placed at the center of the west edge of each vineyard section. The 3-D sonic anemometer was oriented to the east for the wind to have at least 200 m of contact with the vegetated surface in the east-west direction and 125 m in the north-south direction, before contact with the sensors. Winds form the west that impacted in the back of the 3-D sonic anemometer were no considered for the flux determinations. The vertical wind speed and the CO2 density were measured at a frequency of 10 Hz with a datalogger CR1000 (Campbell, Scientific, Inc., Logan, Utah, USA). The corresponding covariance were calculated every 30 min. The statistical differences in the NEE in the two sections (with and without the application of the seaweed extract) were evaluated with the non-parametric Wilcoxon test for paired populations (α< 0.05).

Fruit yield and quality

The effect of the seaweed application in the fruit yield was evaluated using a completely randomized statistical design with three treatments (with no application of the seaweed extract, with application only to the soil and with application to the soil and foliage) and five replications where the experimental unit was de average of the yield of 20 plants.

The fruits quality was determined measuring the Brix grades (using a reflectometer), pH (with a potentiometer) and the juice acidity (by the volumetric method). For these parameters, a completely randomized statistical design was also applied with the same treatments and five replications, the experimental unit corresponded to the juice of 40 fruits gathered from the plants of each treatment. Treatment means were compared using the Tukey test (α≤ 0.05).

Results and discussion

Leaves chlorophyll content

For all sampled dates, the application of the seaweed extract to the soil and foliage, resulted in a leaf chlorophyll content equal or higher than the application only to the soil and with no extract application (Tukey, α≤ 0.05) (Table 1).This result was probably due because the seaweed extract contain substances as betains, micro elements as iron that are required in the synthesis of chlorophyll of the leaves. It was observed that the leaves chlorophyll content of the three treatments increased from the sample date of May 15, to the one of June 11, this was due to the increase of the leaves chlorophyll pigments because of the leaves maturation. From this date to July 25, a small variation in the chlorophyll content was noted and form August 15 to October 3 a decreasing tendency was observed, due to the loss of pigments because of the progression of the leaves senescence (Ahmed y Shalaby, 2012; Nagy y Pintér, 2015).

Table 1 Leaves chlorophyll content in a grapevine plantation (cv Shiraz) with and without application of the seaweed extract Sargassum spp. San Lorenzo wine company, Parras, Coahuila. 

Medias con letra diferente dentro de la misma columna son estadísticamente diferentes (Tukey. α≤ 0.05).

The average chlorophyll content of the time evaluated (May to October) in the vineyard section with seaweed application to the soil and foliage was 40.92, while in the section with no application was 39.85. This corresponded to an increase of 2.68%. Previous studies have reported increments of the leaves chlorophyll content. For example, Spinelli et al. (2010) observed that the application of the seaweed extract Ascophillum nodosum in a concentration of 2% to a strawberry crop (Fragaria moschata) increased 11% the leaves chlorophyll content and 27% the photosynthesis rate. Other studies have reported that foliage application of seaweed extract of Ascophyllum nodosum, Laminaria spp. and Sargassum spp. at a dose of 1 and 2 % respectively increased the leaf chlorophyll content of a garlic crop (Allium sativum L.) that may be related to the betains, a substance present in the liquid fertilizers made of seaweed extracts which increases the leaves chlorophyll content (Shehata et al., 2011). Similarly, Spinelli et al. (2009) observed an increment of 12% of the leaves chlorophyll content of the apple-tree (Malus Domestica) with the application of a biofertilizer drived from the seaweed extract Ascophillum nodosum at a concentration of 3%, iron is an essential element for the biosynthesis of chlorophyll that was present in applied extract.

Net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide

The application of the seaweed extract had no effect in the net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (NEE) between the vineyard canopy and the atmosphere (Table 2) (Wilcoxon, α≤ 0.05). The average daily rate of each month (April to September) of NEE was higher in the vineyard section with no application of the seaweed extract. The daily average of the six months was 274.57 and 205.09 mmol m-2 in the section without and with the extract application respectively; this represented a difference of 38.87% that was probably due to the difference on the soil type of soil of the vineyard sections because the vineyard section with no seaweed extract application has a soil of higher soil water holding capacity, and the plants had a bigger soil water availability, this had a bigger impact in the photosynthesis rate than the effect of the seaweed extract application.

Table 2 Daily average (of each month) of net CO2 exchange (mmol m-2) of a grapevine plantation (cv Shiraz), 2014, without and with the application of the seaweed extract Sargassum spp. San Lorenzo wine company, Parras, Coahuila. 

Medias con letra diferente dentro de la misma columna son estadísticamente diferentes (Tukey. α≤ 0.05).

Previous studies have shown a strong relation between the soil water availability and the photosynthesis rate. On this regard, Castañeda et al. (2006) observed a reduction of up to 72% of the photosynthesis rate of a bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris) due to a long lasing stress of water deficit. Other study reported the photosynthesis rate of a corn crop (Zea mays) decreased from 35 to 5.5 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 due to interruption of irrigation (Zarco et al., 2005). In a similar way, Hayat et al. (2008) observed a reduction of 75% of the photosynthesis rate of a tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum) under water stress.

It was also observed that the CO2 assimilation rate increased from April to May (due to the vegetative development of the plants) during June and July the assimilation decreased due to the pruning of branches (that was performed the first week of June); the assimilation rate decreased in August and September due to the senescence of the plants (Table 2)

The highest CO2 assimilation rate was 417.41 mmol m-2 d-1 observed in the vineyard section with no application of the seaweed extract in the May month (Table 2). Because in the grapevine plantations, the area covered by the rows of plants is a small part of the total surface, the CO2 assimilation rate by the vegetation (mmol m-2 d-1) is smaller than the observed in crops of full coverage. For example, Vote et al. (2015) observed an assimilation rate of 1 775 in a corn crop (Zea mays) and 725 in a crop rice (Oryza sativa). For sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) the assimilation rate during fall time was 571.08 (Zermeño-González et al., 2012)

Yield and fruit quality

The application of the seaweed extract had no effect in the fruits yield (Tukey, α≤ 0.05)(Table 3), since the highest yield was observed in the vineyard section without the extract. The average plant yield of the sections with and without the extract application were 9.09 kg and 10.32 kg respectively, that corresponded to a difference of 13.5 % this was due to as it was mentioned before, the impact of a bigger soil water holding retention, had a greater effect in the leaves chlorophyll content and consequently in the fruits yield. However, for homogeneous soil humidity conditions, previous studies have reported an increase in the yield for the application seaweed extracts in different crops (Fornes et al., 2005; Zodape et al., 2011; Pramanick et al., 2014). Regarding fruit quality, the application of the seaweed extract had no effect in the Brix grades of the fruit juice; however, the higher grade of acidity was obtained with the application of the seaweed extract only to the soil and the lower pH with application to the soil and foliage (Tukey, α≤ 0.05) (Table 3).

Table 3 Yield and fruit quality of a grapevine plantation (cv. Shiraz) without and with the application of the seaweed extarct Sargassum spp. San Lorezo wine company, Parras, Coahuila. 

Medias con letra diferente dentro de cada columna son estadísticamente diferentes (Tukey. α≤ 0.05).

The recommended values for the red wine elaboration from the cv. Cabernet Sauvignon are a pH of 3.28 and a total acidity of 4.92, while for the cv. Chardonnay it is recommended a pH of 3.31 and acidity of 4.04 (Ortega et al., 2002).For the cv. Shiraz the values are a pH of 3.78 and the acidity of 5.5 (Gil et al., 2013). The pH and acidity observed in this study are in the recommended range, while the acidity values are slightly smaller.


The application of the seaweed extract Sargassum spp to the soil and foliage to a grapevine plantation cv. Shiraz increased the leaves chlorophyll content of the plants. The higher chlorophyll content had no effect on the net carbon dioxide exchange between the vineyard canopy and the atmosphere, neither the fruits yield. The application of the extract only to the soil increased acidity, while the application to the soil and foliage decreased pH. None of the applications had effect on the Brix grades.

Literatura citada

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Received: August 2015; Accepted: November 2015

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