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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934

Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.8 spe 19 Texcoco nov./dic. 2017 


Influence of paclobutrazol on bud growth and yield of Psidum guajava L. in high density

José Saúl Padilla Ramírez1  § 

Víctor Manuel Rodríguez Moreno1 

Ernesto González Gaona1 

Esteban Salvador Osuna Ceja1 

María Hilda Pérez Barraza2 

1Campo Experimental Pabellón-INIFAP. Carretera Aguascalientes-Zacatecas km 32.5, Pabellón de Arteaga, Aguascalientes, México. AP. 20. (;,

2Campo Experimental Santiago Ixcuintla-INIFAP. (


Application of bioregulators is a common practice in several temperate and tropical and subtropical crop fruits to: control vegetative growth, stimulate flowering and fruit set. Paclobutrazol “PBZ” is among those products; however there is few information of its response in guava. Therefore, it was evaluated the application of PBZ on the annual sprout growth dynamic and on the fruit yield of eight guava genotypes established in a high planting density (5 000 plants ha-1). The study was carried out at the Experimental Site of “Los Cañones”, during two production cycles. The PBZ treatments were: 0, 1 and 2 ml tree-1 in 2013 and 0 and 1 ml tree-1 in 2015, using the commercial product Austar® (Paclobutrazol 25%) in both years. The PBZ was applied to the soil around the base of the trunk at the beginning of each cycle, after the pruning. The sprout growth dynamic was measured during 15 weeks after de PBZ was applied in five randomly selected sprouts in one plant of the eight guava genotypes. Daily growth rate (DGR) between each two dates of the sprout growth was estimated. Internodal distance of the same five selected sprouts to measure growth dynamics was registered. At harvest, it was registered: fruit yield, fruit number and the average weight of fruits. The PBZ decreased sprout growth and the internodal distance from 15 to 41%, which was reflected on a lower DGR, being of 4.5 to 6 mm day-1 in the untreated plants, while in the PBZ treated plants DGR was only from 2.8 to 3.9 mm day-1. In 2013, PBZ significantly increased fruit yield and fruits per plant as compared to the control; however, in 2015 the PBZ did not surpass the control. The outstanding guava genotypes in both years were: Calvillo S-XXI, Selection-12 and Selection-45 with an average of 20.6 kg tree-1.

Keywords: Psidum guajava; PBZ; growth regulators; sprout length; fruit quality


La aplicación de bioreguladores es una práctica común tanto en frutales templados como tropicales y subtropicales para controlar el crecimiento vegetativo, estimular floración y amarre de fruto. Tal es el caso del Paclobutrazol “PBZ”, del cual los antecedentes de su respuesta en el cultivo del guayabo son limitados. Por lo anterior, se evaluó la aplicación de PBZ sobre la dinámica de crecimiento de los brotes y producción de fruta de ocho genotipos de guayabo establecidos en un sistema de alta densidad (5 000 plantas ha-1). El estudio se realizó en el Sitio Experimental “Los Cañones”, durante dos ciclos de producción, donde se evaluaron tres dosis (0, 1 y 2 ml árbol-1) del producto comercial Austar® (Paclobutrazol 25%) en 2013 y dos en 2015 (0 y 1 ml árbol-1). La aplicación se realizó al suelo a la base del tallo al inicio del cada ciclo, después de la poda. La dinámica de crecimiento de los brotes se determinó durante 15 semanas posteriores a la aplicación del PBZ en 5 brotes al azar en una planta por genotipo. Se estimó la tasa de crecimiento diaria (TCD) entre cada dos fechas del registro del crecimiento de los brotes y se midió la longitud de entrenudos a los 140 días. A la cosecha se registró el rendimiento y numero de frutos y el peso medio de fruto. El PBZ disminuyó el crecimiento de los brotes y la distancia entre nudos entre 15 a 41%, lo cual se reflejó en una menor TCD, siendo de 4.5-6 mm día-1 en el testigo, mientras que con PBZ fue de solo 2.8-3.9 mm día-1. En 2013, el PBZ incrementó significativamente el rendimiento y número de frutos en comparación al testigo; sin embargo, en 2015 el PBZ no superó al testigo. Los genotipos sobresalientes en ambos años fueron: Calvillo S-XXI, Selección-12 y Selección-45 con un promedio de 20.6 kg árbol-1.

Palabras clave: Psidum guajava; PBZ; calidad de fruto; longitud de brotes; reguladores de crecimiento


The application of growth bioregulators is a management practice that is performed in some temperate, tropical and subtropical fruit trees with different purposes, such as regulating vegetative growth, stimulating flowering and/ or increasing fruit binding. This is the case of Paclobutrazol “PBZ”, which retards vegetative growth and decreases plant vigor due to the reduction of gibberellin levels (Ramírez et al., 2005; Ramírez et al., 2008; Kishore et al., 2015). Rademacher (2000) and Kishore et al. (2015) mention that plant growth retardants such as PBZ and calcium prohexadione slow the cell division and elongation by physiologically regulating plant height without causing deformation in leaves or stems. However, the complex effect of PBZ with other hormones can lead to different responses, highlighting its use as a promoter of flowering, early flowering, reducing alternation, decreasing vegetative sprouting and increasing yield (Cárdenas and Rojas, 2003; Ramírez et al., 2003; Pérez et al., 2011; Kishore, 2015; Pérez et al., 2016).

Pérez et al. (2011), reported the effects of PBZ on mango manila on flowering, harvest season and fruit yield, with emphasis on the improvement in flowering rate, crop yield and fruit yield increase; mentioned that with the use of PBZ they achieved a 100% increase in yield with respect to the control.

Cárdenas and Rojas (2003) mentioned that the application of paclobutrazol restricted vegetative growth and stimulated the floral development of ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango, with an earlier bloom and greater number of fruits per inflorescence, although it did not affect the percentage of retained fruits.

Regarding the effect of PBZ and other similar products such as calcium Prohexadione on plant growth, Pérez et al. (2016) reported a reduction of the vegetative growth of ‘Ataulfo’ mango trees from 18 to 41%, with the PBZ being the one that caused the lowest reduction percentage with respect to Prohexadione of calcium.

In horticultural species, the effect of paclobutrazol has also been evaluated. Partida et al. (2007) reported the application of paclobutrazol on root growth and aerial biomass in red pepper and eggplant seedlings. They mention that the PBZ increased the root biomass and aerial part of both species in comparison to the control.

Preliminary studies on guava cultivation in a high density plot report the use of paclobutrazol in established high density plants, where it is mentioned that the PBZ in a production cycle significantly increased yield and number of fruits and a reduction was observed in the length of the sprouts, the leaf area and the distance between knots, as well as an increase in chlorophyll content measured as SPAD units (Padilla et al., 2014a; Padilla et al., 2014b). Subsequently, the ex post effect of PBZ was reported in the following cycle without application of the product, whose results indicated that the yield and number of fruits of all plants showed a strong reduction, attributed to a possible alternating effect and not to an effect of the PBZ applied in the previous cycle (Padilla et al., 2015).

Regarding planting density, in the main guava producing areas in Mexico, traditional plantations were carried out with densities of 204 to 266 trees ha-1. Under this traditional 7 m × 7 m planting system, guava produces on average in Calvillo, Aguascalientes around 15 t ha-1 (SIAP-SAGARPA, 2017); However, when selected genotypes are established at high densities (3×3 m), yields were higher than 30 t ha-1 (Padilla et al., 2007). Newly established guava gardens in the Calvillo-Cañones region, which includes the states of Aguascalientes and Zacatecas, as well as Michoacán, have been established at higher planting densities in order to increase their productivity.

In India, a number of studies have been conducted in Guava to evaluate high density systems, ranging from 3 333 to 10 000 plants ha-1, reporting significant yield increases per plant at densities of 2 × 1.5 m (8.43 kg plant-1), compared to 5.89 kg plant-1 in the density of 1 × 1 m; however, yield per hectare was significantly higher in planting densities of 1 × 1 m (58.93 t ha-1), while in the density of 2 × 1.5 m the production was 28.85 t ha-1 (Pal y Lal, 2015). Brar (2010) reported the effect of PBZ and etephon on vegetative growth of guava established at planting densities from 333 to 833 plants ha-1, and noted that the PBZ significantly reduced plant height compared to the control (3.49 m vs 3.79 m, respectively), as well as the cup volume (39.17 m3 vs 53.81 m3), so that the use of growth regulators such as PBZ and increase planting density can contribute to increase the productivity of the guava crop considering economic aspects and fruit quality.

Kishore et al. (2015) mention that when PBZ is applied at optimal doses, soil and fruit residues have not been detected in quantities above the quantifiable level (0.01 ppm), suggesting the use of PBZ in adequate doses to obtain maximum benefits without undesirable effects.

In addition to the application of PBZ, the use of genotypes with greater potential for fruit yield and high density planting systems can contribute to maintaining a balanced growth and allowing an adequate balance of vegetative and reproductive development. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the application of “PBZ” on the growth dynamics of sprouts of the year and on the fruit yield of eight guava genotypes established in a high density system.

Materials and methods

The study was carried out at the “Los Cañones” Experimental Site, belonging to the National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research (INIFAP) and located in the municipality of Huanusco, Zacatecas (latitude 21° 44.7’ north, longitude 102° 58.0’ west, 1 580 meters above sea level).

The predominant climate in the study region is BS1 hw(w), which corresponds to a semi-warm semi-dry climate, according to García (1981) classification. The annual average temperature is 20.1 °C, the maximum annual average is 30.4 °C and the minimum is 9.8 °C. These temperatures are similar to those prevailing in the main guava producing areas of the country, where the average annual temperature fluctuates between 20 and 23 °C (Padilla et al., 1999). The annual accumulation of heat units (Tb= 9 °C) in the area is an average of 4 060, which are considered sufficient to satisfy the thermal requirement of guava (Ruiz et al., 1992; Padilla et al., 2012). The average annual rainfall is 516 mm, of which more than 80% occur from June to September (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Mean, minimum and maximum temperature averages and accumulated precipitation in decadal periods from 2006 to 2015 in the Experimental Site Los Cañones del INIFAP. Huanusco, Zacatecas. 

The physical -chemical characteristics of the soil at the experimental site are: sandy-loam texture, alkaline pH of 8.2, with 1.16% of organic matter and NPK of 28.9, 0.65 and 2 345 ppm, respectively. This indicates a level of soil fertility suitable for N and K, although for P it is considered very low. On the other hand, considering the soil texture and values of field capacity (20.6%) and permanent wilting point (10.9%), the soil presents a low moisture retention capacity, therefore the application of frequent watering.

The lot has a system of micro-sprinkler irrigation, by which irrigations are applied weekly during the eight months of the crop cycle. Fertilization was provided through the irrigation system, where the dose applied during the cycle was 90-90 -90 for N- P2O5-K2O, respectively, covering the stages of sprouting, flowering, mooring and fruit development. Weed control was done manually and the pests and diseases according to the recommendations of the Experimental Field Pavilion for the cultivation of guava in the Calvillo-Cañones region.

It is important to mention that as part of the guava management in the study region, the annual production cycle is initiated after the “calmeo”, which is a common practice during which the application of irrigation for 2 to 4 months is suspended. Induces the plant to a state of quiescence due to the imposed water stress. This practice is performed at the end of the harvest of the previous cycle and is used to schedule the harvest of the new cycle, obtaining this one between 6 to 8 months after the application of the first irrigation. Another reason for calmeo is to avoid frost damage in trees during the winter period (Perales et al., 2002).

For the application of the treatments the commercial product Austar® (Paclobutrazol 25%) was used during two cycles of production, where the application of the PBZ was done alternately in 2013 and 2015. In 2013, three doses were evaluated: 0, 1 and 2 ml tree-1, whereas in 2015 only two doses were applied: 0 and 1 ml tree-1, of the commercial product. The treatments were applied to the soil at the base of the stem in one liter of water, for which a trench 10 cm deep was dug around the base of the stem where the solution was applied and immediately afterwards the trench was again covered. In the case of control trees without PBZ, the same procedure was performed, applying only water. The application of the PBZ was carried out in the last week of March in both years and three to four days of pruning to start the annual cycle of production (in the cycle 2014 PBZ was not applied

The guava genotypes evaluated were: three varieties (Calvillo S-XXI, Hidrozac and Caxcana) and five selections (S-12, S-20, S-45, S-46 and S-47) belonging to the Germplasm Bank of INIFAP. The three varieties used correspond to the group of varieties released and registered by the INIFAP-Pavilion Experimental Field (Padilla et al., 2010). Ten plants were established for each genotype under field conditions in the spring of 2008, with material propagated by aerial the previous cycle of the “mother” plants of each variety or selection of the INIFAP germplasm bank, located at the “Los Cañones” Experimental Site. The plants are established in a high density system with 2 m of separation between lines and 1 m between plants (5 000 plants ha-1) during the evaluation, the plants were five and seven years old, and the characteristics of the eight genotypes evaluated are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Characteristics of the fruit of the eight guava genotypes evaluated.  

Variedad/selección Registro CNVV1 Forma de fruto Color de pulpa Grosor de pulpa (mm) Color externo
Calvillo S-XXI GUA-005-160709 Ovoide Crema 6-8 Amarilla
Hidrozac GUA-002-160709 Truncada/aperada Rosa 8-10 Amarilla
Caxcana GUA-003-160709 Redonda Blanca 7-9 Amarilla
Selección-12 S/R2 Ovoide Crema 6-8 Amarilla
Selección-20 S/R Ovoide Crema 6-8 Amarilla
Selección-45 S/R Ovoide Crema 5-7 Amarilla
Selección-46 S/R Ovoide Crema 5-7 Amarilla
Selección-47 S/R Ovoide Crema 5-7 Amarilla

1= catálogo nacional de variedades vegetales; 2= sin registro.

The variables evaluated included the following aspects of plant growth and fruit production:

Growth dynamics of sprout. The dynamics of sprout growth were determined for a period of 102 days (19 April to 30 July), data recording started three weeks after PBZ application, for which five sprout plant-1 in a plant of each treatment, recording weekly the length of the sprouts marked with a flexible tape measure with graduation to decimals of centimeter (0.0 cm). The length of internodes was measured 140 days after pruning. In addition, the daily growth rate (TCD) in mm day-1 was estimated between every two dates of the growth dynamics record of the outbreaks according to the following equation.

TCD = (LB t2- LBt1)/(t2 - t1)

Where: TCD= daily growth rate (mm day-1); LBt2= sprout length at time t2 (mm); LBt1= sprout length at time t1 (mm) t2 - t1= time interval between t1 to t2 (days).

Fruit yield. During the harvest, which was carried out when the fruits presented a green-yellow to yellow color corresponding to stages 3 or 4 of the ripening scale for guava proposed by Padilla et al. (2002), the total number of fruits tree-1, fruit production (kg tree-1) and average weight per fruit (g fruit-1) were recorded. The harvesting period started from the second week of October and ended at the end of November, between 200 and 250 days after the application of the PBZ.

The information from the variables recorded was analyzed based on a randomized block design with split plot arrangement, where the large plot were the genotypes and the small plot were the PBZ doses and were considered three replicates in 2013 and four in 2015 for each treatment. The experimental unit consisted of a plant. Data were analyzed using the statistical package SAS version 8 (SAS Institute, 1999) and when significance was detected between treatments, the DMS test was applied with a significance of 0.05.

Results and discussion

Sprout growth

In the first cycle of application of the PBZ (2013), the length of the sprouts and internodes was significantly reduced in the plants treated with PBZ in comparison to the control. The average length of sprouts in plants without PBZ was 68.9 cm whereas with 1 and 2 ml L-1 of PBZ the sprout length was 52.7 and 40.3 cm, respectively. This means that the outbreaks had a growth reduction of 23.5 and 41.5% compared to the control (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Length of sprouts in 2013 (above) and 2015 (below) in guava plants treated with PBZ. Each point represents the average of 40 sprouts (five plant-1 sprouts per eight genotypes). The bar represents the typical error. 

The TCD showed a decreasing pattern in all treatments, being higher at the beginning of sprouting (5 to 8 mm day-1) and lower (1 to 3 mm day-1) as the bud increased its length. The average TCD of sprouts was 6.10 mm day-1 in plants without PBZ, whereas with 1 and 2 ml of PBZ, the growth rate was 3.96 and 2.81 mm day-1, respectively (Figure 3). The average length of the internodes for the eight genotypes of guava was 4.13 cm with a range of 3.83 cm in Calvillo S-XXI to 4.60 cm in S-12. The PBZ caused reductions of internodes between 22.8 and 30.8% with the doses of 1 and 2 ml L-1 of PBZ, respectively (Table 2).

Figure 3 Daily growth rate in 2013 (above) and 2015 (below) of guava plants treated with PBZ. Each point represents the average of 40 sprouts (five plant-1 sprouts in eight genotypes). The bar represents the typical standard error. 

Table 2 Length of internodes in sprouts of eight guava genotypes treated with different doses of PBZ. 

Factores de evaluación Longitud de entrenudos (cm)
2013 2015
Calvillo S-XXI 3.83 4.2
S-12 4.6 4.7
S-20 4.03 4.5
S-45 3.8 4.1
S-46 4.13 4.6
S-47 4.17 4.5
Caxcana 3.97 4.4
Hidrozac 4.47 5
DMS0.05 0.51 ns
Dosis de PBZ (ml L-1)
0 5.03 4.9
1 3.88 (22.8) 4.10 (16.3)
2 3.48 (30.8) -
DMS0.05 0.31 0.28

ns= no significativo. El número entre paréntesis indica el porcentaje de reducción, respecto al testigo.

In the cycle 2015 of PBZ application only showed significant effects on the length of internodes, but not on the length of the sprouts, however, a reduction of sprout size was observed in plants treated with PBZ (52.8 cm) to untreated plants (62.4 cm), which represents 15% less compared to the control (Figure 2). The TCD showed a pattern similar to that observed in 2013, which is attributed to the competition of the fruits, which are already in development at this stage. The average TCD of the sprouts was 4.53 mm day-1 in the plants without PBZ, whereas with 1 ml L-1 of PBZ, it was 3.90 mm day-1 (Figure 3).

In the 2015 cycle, the average length of the internodes in the eight genotypes was 4.5 cm, and ranged from 4.1 cm in the S-45 to 5 cm in the variety Hidrozac. The treatment of PBZ showed an effect similar to that observed in 2013, although the reduction of the internodes was slightly lower, which was 16.3% (4.9 vs. 4.1 cm with 0 and 1 ml L-1 of PBZ, respectively) (Table 2). Similar effects on the reduction of internodes of two apple varieties when applied prohexadione-Ca were reported by (Ramírez et al ., 2003), mentioning reductions of up to 46% in the “Royal Gala” variety.

The percentages observed in this work of the reduction of the growth of sprouts of guava plants treated with PBZ were similar to those found by Pérez et al. (2016) who reported a reduction between 18 and 41% of the growth of “Ataulfo” mango sprouts with calcium prohexadione (P-Ca) and 6% with PBZ.

The average TCD observed in plants without PBZ was slightly higher than reported by Damián et al. (2004) who found a growth rate between 2.8 and 3.2 mm day-1 in guava plants established in a dry tropic climate, although these values are similar to TCD when PBZ was applied.

Ramírez et al. (2005) reported a significant reduction in the height of tomato plants when applied Prohexadione calcium that acts as a growth retardant similar to PBZ, however, the treated plants showed higher number of clusters and fruits, weight and firmness of fruit and production per plant.

Fruit yield

In 2013 the results showed significant effects for genotypes, PBZ doses and their interaction on fruit yield. The number of fruits was significant only for the main factors, while the mean fruit weight was significant for genotypes and interaction. The highest fruit yield was obtained in the genotypes S-12, S -45 and Calvillo S-XXI with an average of 17.5 kg plant-1, while the lowest were for Caxcana and Hidrozac with 9.7 and 2.92 kg plant-1, respectively. The highest number of fruits was observed in the S- 12 and S-45 genotypes with an average of 404 tree-1 fruits and the lowest number of fruits was for the variety Hidrozac with only 36 tree-1 fruits. The average fruit weight was 54.4 g fruit-1 , with the variety Hidrozac showing the largest fruits (85.3 g).

As for PBZ treatments, fruit yield was significantly higher in PBZ treatments (14.2, 13.02 and 9.81 kg plant-1 for 2, 1 and 0 ml L-1 PBZ, respectively). The number of plant-1 fruits was also increased with the PBZ doses, from 184.3 in the control at 282.3 and 305.3 with 1 and 2 ml L-1 of PBZ, indicating a higher fruit binding. These results are similar to those reported by Cardenas and Rojas (2003), who indicated that the application of paclobutrazol in mango “Tommy Atkins” resulted in a higher number of fruits per inflorescence, as reported by Pérez et al. (2011) who point to an increase in mango yield “Manila” of up to 100% with the PBZ. In apple, an increase in fruit yield per tree was also reported with the application of prohexadione-Ca growth retardant and greater firmness of harvested fruits (Ramírez et al., 2003).

However, in guava the number of fruits and mean weight showed a negative relation, indicating that the greater number of fruits, their size decreases. The average fruit weight in the control was 59 g, compared with an average of 52 g fruit-1 with both PBZ treatments (Table 3).

Table 3 Average yields, fruits per tree and fruit weight of eight guava genotypes treated with different doses of PBZ. 

Factores de evaluación Producción de fruto (kg árbol-1) Número de frutos por árbol Peso medio por fruto (g)
2013 2015 2013 2015 2013 2015
Calvillo S-XXI 15.2 26.7 314.9 570 50.6 47.1
S-12 19 23.5 426 441.8 47.4 54.8
S-45 18.5 20.8 383.7 402.3 49 51.8
S-20 11.4 20.7 236 353.6 50.3 58.9
S-46 12 14.8 236.3 252 54 59.9
S-47 10 17.4 225.9 384.5 42.9 45.4
Caxcana 9.7 16.5 199.6 329 55.9 52.8
Hidrozac 2.9 7.2 36 105.1 85.3 73.8
DMS0.05 4.2 4.7 113.4 117.9 10.7 9.2
Dosis de PBZ (ml L-1)
0 9.8 19.9 184.3 382.9 58.7 56.8
1 13 17 282.3 326.6 52.5 54.3
2 14.2 - 305.3 - 52.1 -
DMS0.05 2.6 2.7 69.4 46.3 ns

ns= no significativo.

In relation to the possible residual risks of PBZ in soil or in fruits, Osuna et al. (2001) reported a study on mango fruits cv “Tommy Atkins” treated with PBZ at a dose of 5 ml m-1 cup diameter in one and two consecutive years, no residues of the product were found in the fruits when applied in individual years and only traces when applied in the two years consecutively. Therefore, considering that the data obtained in the first cycle (2013) in which both PBZ doses were statistically equal in the average fruit yield of the eight guava genotypes evaluated (Table 3), it was decided not to include the dose of 2 ml L-1 in cycle 2015, in addition the application of the PBZ was carried out in alternate years (non-consecutive), with which it was envisaged to reduce to the maximum the potential risk of residual product in guava fruits.

In the 2015 cycle, significant differences were observed in all fruit variables in both factors (genotypes and PBZ doses), except for the mean fruit weight, where the PBZ doses did not affect the average fruit size. The highest fruit yield was for the Calvillo S-XXI variety with 26.7 kg tree-1, followed by S-12, S-20 and S-45 with an average of 21.6 kg tree-1. The variety Hidrozac obtained the lowest yield (7.2 kg tree-1). The highest number of fruits was for the Calvillo S-XXI variety with 570 fruit tree-1, followed by S-12 and S-45 with an average of 421 tree-1 fruits. The fruits of larger size were obtained the variety Hidrozac with 73.8 g fruit-1.

On the other hand, the application of PBZ in doses of 1 ml tree-1, showed an opposite effect to the observed in the cycle 2013, since the plants where the product was not applied, had significantly greater yield and number of fruits than the plants. Plants treated with PBZ. The mean weight of the fruits was similar in both treatments (Table 3). The above, is attributed to the fact that the temperature conditions that prevailed after the application of the PBZ in each cycle, could be varied and that the effect of the regulator is smaller, reflecting the importance of the environmental conditions (temperature) in the influence of this type of retarders, which has been previously reported by Costa et al. (2001).

The average fruit yield per unit area obtained in the eight guava genotypes evaluated in the two-year study (7.7 kg m-2) is similar to that reported by Singh et al. (2007) who mention a fruit yield of 7.24 kg m-2 in guava cv. “Allahabad Safeda” established at densities of 2 222 plants ha-1 (3 × 1.5 m) which was higher than that obtained at densities of 555 plants ha-1 (3 × 6 m) where fruit yield per unit of area of soil 4.4 kg m-2.


The application of PBZ in guava plants in high density, showed in both years a reduction in the length of sprouts and internodes, which was reflected in a lower growth rate day-1.

The annual alternating application of PBZ in guayabo high density showed inconsistency in both production cycles, in the first application, the PBZ increased yield and fruit number, while in the second opposite response was obtained.

As for the genotypes, the Calvillo S-XXI variety and the S-45 and S-12 selections stand out with the highest average fruit yield in both production cycles. It is important to consider the interaction of the genotype with the application of the PBZ, trying to optimize a production system in high density.

Literatura citada

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Received: March 00, 2017; Accepted: May 00, 2017

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