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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versión impresa ISSN 2007-0934

Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.13 no.1 Texcoco ene./feb. 2022  Epub 02-Mayo-2022 


Estimation of the water footprint of sugarcane production for the mills of the Papaloapan basin

Ángeles Suhgey Garay Jacome1 

Ramón Valdivia Alcalá1  § 

Juan Hernández Ortiz1 

Fermín Sandoval Romero1 

1Postgraduate course from the Division of Economic-Administrative Sciences-Chapingo Autonomous University. Mexico-Texcoco Highway km 38.5, Chapingo, Texcoco, State of Mexico, Mexico. CP. 56230. (;;


In the world and in Mexico, agriculture uses approximately 75% of fresh water. The scarcity of water worldwide forces that water-saving techniques are increasingly used in the agricultural sector, since it has economic value. An important concept that helps to know the amount of water used in production and consumption is the water footprint. The objective of this research is to estimate the water footprint for the cultivation of sugarcane in the Papaloapan basin to propose measures that contribute to improving the efficiency of water use in this crop. For this research, the water footprint of the 12 sugar mills in the Papaloapan region was calculated, it was carried out following the procedure of Allen et al. (2006); FAO (2006); Haro et al. (2014). The largest water footprint is recorded in the areas that supply cane to the sugar mills of El Carmen (328 m3 t-1 of cane), San Nicolás (313 m3 t-1 of cane) and San José de Abajo (309 m 3), while the mill of San Pedro registered the smallest water footprint (239 m3 t-1). Per hectare, the areas that supply cane for El Carmen have the highest value with 21 301 m3, followed by San Nicolás with 21 221 m3 and by San Miguelito with 20 923 m3. In these areas, it is possible to reduce the water footprint by better managing the crop and using varieties with more productivity.

Keywords efficiency; sugarcane; water footprint; water scarcity


En el mundo y en México la agricultura usa aproximadamente 75% del agua fresca. La escasez del agua a nivel mundial obliga que cada vez se utilicen técnicas ahorradoras de agua en el sector agropecuario, ya que tiene valor económico. Un concepto importante que ayuda a conocer la cantidad de agua utilizada en la producción y el consumo es la huella hídrica. El objetivo de esta investigación es estimar la huella hídrica para el cultivo de caña de azúcar de la cuenca Papaloapan para proponer medidas que contribuyan a mejorar la eficiencia del uso del agua en este cultivo. Para esta investigación se calculó de la huella hídrica de los 12 ingenios azucareros de la región del Papaloapan, se realizó siguiendo el procedimiento de Allen et al. (2006); FAO (2006); Haro et al. (2014). La mayor huella hídrica se registra en las áreas que abastecen de caña a los ingenios de el Carmen (328 m3 t-1 de caña), el de San Nicolás (313 m3 t-1 de caña) y el de San José de Abajo (309 m3), mientras que el Ingenio de San Pedro registró la menor huella hídrica (239 m3 t-1). Por hectárea las superficies que suministran caña para El Carmen tienen el valor más alto con 21 301 m3, seguidas por San Nicolás con 21 221 m3 y por San Miguelito con 20 923 m3. En estas zonas es posible reducir la huella hídrica haciendo un mejor manejo del cultivo y usando variedades con más productividad.

Palabras clave caña de azúcar; eficiencia; escasez de agua; huella hídrica


Water is a finite resource indispensable for life, public health, ecosystems, biodiversity, food production, hygiene, industry, energy and economic development. It has important cultural, social, religious and economic connotations that sometimes complicate its efficient use. The indiscriminate use that has been made of the resource, coupled with the lack of care to avoid contamination of surface and underground deposits, causes a type of scarcity that can cause significant limitations for its use.

At present, the appearance of the consequences of climate change that are expressed as atypical torrential rains and prolonged droughts, as well as human actions that lead to excessive pollution of surface and groundwater, force water issues to be treated with great attention by the government, the academic sector and society in general.

In this context of controversy regarding the characteristics of water, the Dublin Statement in 1992 sets out several principles. The following principle is relevant to what we want to highlight in this research: principle No. 4 water has an economic value in all its various competing uses for which it is intended and should be recognized as an economic good (WMO, 1992).

Deficiencies in water management have caused that, of the 731 hydrological basins defined in the country, 104 present availability problems (SEMARNAT, 2014). In the world, agriculture and livestock demand a little more than 70% of the total use of fresh water; various actions have led to the deterioration and contamination of water resources. By 2025, approximately 1.8 billion people worldwide are expected to face conditions of absolute water scarcity (FAO, 2013). Given this panorama, it is necessary to have increasingly efficient irrigation and supply systems in agriculture that allow the maximum possible saving of water, with the aim of ensuring the resource for future generations.

SEMARNAT (2014) mentions that, of the total freshwater in the country, 77% is destined for agriculture, 14% for urban public use and 9% for industries and thermoelectric plants, water is a resource that can be used in practically all economic activities, so its allocation should flow to the activities that make the best use of this resource.

In recent years, Mexico has made progress in some areas, such as the implementation of a legislative system through the National Waters Law (which includes the definition of water rights, their public registration and the possibility of transferring rights between users) and the creation and operation of the National Water Commission (CONAGUA, for its acronym in Spanish), but it still faces major problems in terms of sustainability, economic efficiency, equity, overexploitation, pollution, market failures and lack of regulations, to mention the most obvious, which can be encompassed in governance issues.

Given this scenario, it is necessary to have policies that contribute to the efficient management of water in general and in particular, for agricultural use. Policies that allow coordination between the different levels of management from users to authorities and that an efficient allocation of the resource is promoted, which is flexible to future climatic conditions and the resource is used in a sustainable way.

To support the improvement in the allocation of water in the various economic activities, some indicators have been constructed, among which the water footprint stands out. The study of human impacts on the environment has generated concepts such as ecological footprint, carbon footprint and more recently that of water footprint.

The objective of the research was to estimate the water footprint of sugarcane cultivation in the mills of the Papaloapan basin. It is hypothesized that sugarcane has a higher water footprint than other crops in Mexico and that not all the sites where sugarcane is planted in the study area presents the same value for the water footprint. The concept of water footprint is shown as an indicator of sustainability that allows identifying cause-and-effect relationships at the socio-environmental level, with socioeconomic activities being the main factor of pressure on water. It establishes a direct relationship between water systems and human consumption. This relationship can help determine factors that explain both water scarcity and pollution, but it can also allow for improved water use in agricultural production.

According to AGRODER (2012), the water footprint is a planning tool for water resource management, which together with other indicators provides a comprehensive view of the impact that the human population has on the environment and ecosystems. Sugarcane requires large amounts of water resources for its development, which is why and because of the concentration of this crop in the study region that the Papaloapan basin was selected, which has historically been a sugarcane area with a significant number of mills in three states of the Mexican Republic. The water footprint can be estimated for all activities in which this resource is used. Hoekstra and Mekonnen (2011) calculated the water footprint for humanity, they did it by nation from a perspective of production and consumption.

They estimated the green, blue and gray footprint. Some authors have measured the effects of interannual variability of consumption, production, trade and climate on crops and their relationship to the green and blue water footprint and virtual interregional water trade (Zhuo et al., 2016). Forecasts for the future have also been considered, presenting different estimates of the water footprint considering population growth, economic growth, different production/trade patterns, consumption patterns and the development of technologies (Ercin and Hoekstra, 2014).

The estimation of the water footprint has been made for several crops and with different objectives. Haro et al. (2014) estimated the water footprint for sugarcane grown for use in ethanol production; that is, as a source of energy and to reduce fossil fuel emissions in transport, so they analyze the impact of a policy to make ethanol from water. In livestock activities, the water footprint for the production of chicken, pork and calves in different countries and production systems has been estimated (Gerbens-Leenes et al., 2013). It was also calculated for the stabled cattle, (Navarrete-Molina, 2016), which was done in the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico.

When comparing some studies on the water footprint in cane cultivation in other countries, it is concluded that the water footprint is one of the most widespread, updated and used indicators to evaluate the use and consumption of water associated with a product, activity or hydrographic basin. For Brazil, the gray water footprint in the sugarcane yield was estimated and considered a high value and thus demonstrated how much this crop can demand in water resources to dilute its pollutant load (Lins et al., 2019).

In Argentina, a regional map of the water footprint of sugarcane cultivation was constructed (Jorrat et al., 2018). The water footprint has been used to know the amount of water resource that is imported or exported. One case is that estimated for Morocco by Schyns and Hoekstra (2014). In the estimation of the water footprint, alternative methodologies have been applied, there are the cases of the studies of Allen et al. (2006); FAO (2006); Lamastra et al. (2014); Haro et al. (2014) and those carried out with the proposal of Hoekstra et al. (2011).

Materials and methods

In Mexico, 653 aquifers have been defined for groundwater management, which supply a large part of the water demands of industrial developments and about 65% of the volume of water demanded by cities where some sixty million inhabitants are concentrated. In addition, these aquifers constitute the main source of supply for the rural population and provide water for irrigation of approximately two million hectares, equivalent to 35% of the irrigated area in the country (SEMARNAT, 2013).

The Papaloapan River is the second most important hydrographic basin in Mexico, has a length of 354 km, originates at the confluence of the Valle Nacional and Santo Domingo Rivers and flows into the Gulf of Mexico in Alvarado, Veracruz. It passes through the states of Oaxaca, Puebla and Veracruz. Thanks to this length of the basin, it helps several mills to acquire their production. For this research, the calculation of the water footprint of 12 sugar mills in the Papaloapan region was carried out. The locations of these mills are as follows (Table 1).

Table 1 Location of the mills analyzed. 

Mill Location
La margarita Section of the Córdoba-Tierra Blanca railway, Veracruz, km 69 of the flag Station called Vicente, Oax. Córdoba-Veracruz highway (Federal Road 150) at the ‘La Tinaja’ junction.
El Refugio El Refugio Station, belonging to the municipality of Cosolapa
Constancia Tezonapa, Veracruz
Motzorongo Motzorongo, belonging to the municipality of Tezonapa, Veracruz
El Carmen Located in the central area of the state of Veracruz
La Providencia It is located in Cerrada Constitución, Providencia, Cuichapa, Veracruz
San Nicolás It is located in the state of Veracruz, Amatlan highway s/n, Congregación Gobos García, municipality of Cuichapa
San Cristóbal Nicolas Bravo #5, Carlos A. Carrillo, Veracruz
San Pedro Lerdo-Saltabarranca neighborhood road s/n, Lerdo de Tejada City, Veracruz
San José de Abajo Known domicile s/n, main street, Locality of Ignacio Vallarta, municipality of Cuitlahuac, Veracruz
San Miguelito Córdoba-Amatlán highway km 2 Col. Buena Vista, Córdoba, Veracruz
Tres Valles City of Tres Valles, Veracruz

The calculation of the water footprint for the area that supplies sugarcane to the 12 sugar mills of the Papaloapan basin was carried out following the procedure of Allen et al. (2006); FAO (2006); Haro et al. (2014). The process to determine the water footprint included several steps, which are described below: first, the sugar mills were georeferenced by taking the decimal coordinates of north latitude and west longitude from SAGARPA-SIAP-CONADESUCA (2014). The average height above sea level of the municipality was taken as the altitude of the sugar mills.

Next, the weather stations closest to the sugar mills were located. For this purpose, the decimal coordinates of the weather stations available by state on the microsite of the CLICOM system of the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada, Baja California (CICESE, 2020) were taken.

When comparing the georeferencing of sugar mills and weather stations, the weather station whose decimal coordinates of latitude and longitude were equal to or very similar to those of the sugar mills was chosen. As a third step, reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated as the main parameter from which the water footprint of sugarcane is quantified. The FAO reference evapotranspiration calculator was used for this calculation (Raes, 2012). The ETo calculator considerably reduces the demand for information required for ETo estimation. The minimum information required by such software are the latitude and longitude coordinates of the respective weather station, the altitude above sea level, the maximum temperature and the minimum temperature.

Meteorological data were stated to correspond to monthly data. In addition, the option that the temperature data are not tied to a specific year was selected, in addition to the fact that the data correspond to the months of January to December. The program uses the data calibrated in advance for the location, in this case, of the sugar mill. In this way, the ETo calculator will consider the location of the mill. The sugar mill will also be located in a semi-wet or wet area. The option that the area where the sugar mill is located is an area with light to medium winds is also left. The data entered in the interface correspond to the sugar mill La Margarita, located in Oaxaca.

After entering the required information in the interface, the file is created, so a new interface appears in the dialog box. In this information, one has the option of stating information about air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, sunlight and radiation.

To exemplify, the case of the mill La Margarita is shown (Table 2). The maximum temperature and minimum temperature of the San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec station are captured, with the coordinates and altitude above sea level, corresponding to the mill La Margarita, and the options that the FAO ETo calculator uses by default will provide the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for the calculation of the water footprint of sugarcane. For example, by stating that the maximum temperature in March was 28.9 oC and the minimum temperature was 18.3 oC, the calculator will automatically show that the evapotranspiration for that month was 4.1 m per day. The ETo is calculated automatically when both temperatures are entered.

Table 2 Temperature and precipitation of the mill La margarita. 

Month Maximum
Kc ETo*Kc Days/month Total
January 23.2 16.2 19.7 28.9 2.4 0.6 1.32 31 40.9
February 24.5 16.7 20.6 16.1 2.9 0.4 1.1 28 30.9
March 28.9 18.3 23.6 16.5 4.1 1 3.9 31 120.7
April 33 20.8 26.9 41.7 5.1 0.8 3.93 30 117.8
May 33.3 22.3 27.8 178.9 5 1.2 5.8 31 179.8
June 30.5 21.8 26.1 562.2 4.3 1.3 5.68 30 170.3
July 29.6 21.5 25.6 587.1 4 1.4 5.4 31 167.4
August 30.4 21.4 25.9 465.3 4.2 1.2 4.91 31 152.3
September 28.6 21.6 25.1 598.1 3.4 1.3 4.45 30 133.6
October 30.5 21.7 26.1 174.1 3.7 1.2 4.44 31 137.6
November 26.9 18.3 22.6 55.7 3 1.6 4.86 30 145.8
December 26.3 18.3 22.3 103 2.7 1.1 2.89 31 89.6
2 828 1 487

Results and discussion

For this research, the water footprint of sugarcane grown in areas that supply the 12 sugar mills of the Papaloapan region was estimated, the methodology used by De Allen et al. (2006); FAO (2006); Haro et al. (2014), was applied, which was described in the methodology section. Given that cane crops in the basin, in general, are reported in the statistics as rainfed, and although it is known that they receive supplemental irrigations in some months of the year (two or three), the methodology used considers the value of the footprint as a green footprint and it was not possible to make the distinction for the blue footprint, even if it was minimal, nor to obtain economic estimators in relation to the productivity of irrigation water.

The results are presented in two parts: first the results obtained for the water footprint of sugarcane in the areas that supply the 12 sugar mills that continue to operate in the Papaloapan basin are shown, as well as productivity data in these areas and then, using economic data, the magnitude of said footprint is analyzed in those terms.

Water footprint results

The results obtained of the water footprint for the cane areas of the mills analyzed register values ranging from 239 m3 t-1 to 328 m3 t-1, a difference of 89 m3 t-1, an amount that is significant (Figure 1). For the calculation of this concept, the cane yield per hectare and the annual evapotranspiration of the crop participates in an important way. The simple average for the studied area amounts to 274 m3 t-1. Mekonen and Hoekstra (2011) report a water footprint of 200 m3 t-1 for sugar crops in which they include sugarcane, while in Hoekstra and Champagne (2006), they make estimates of virtual water. In the case of Thailand, Kongboon and Sampattagul (2012) estimated a total water footprint of 202 m3 t-1, although they include the gray footprint that is not considered in this work. In the Papaloapan basin, there are higher water footprints, probably due to greater evapotranspiration in combination with slightly lower yields.

Figure 1 Estimated water footprint in the Papaloapan River basin. 

The evapotranspiration estimate reports values of 1 487 mm and up to 2 122 mm (Figure 2), which combined with low yields has an impact, in general, on the highest values for the water footprint. In Figure 2, the mills that have the highest levels of evapotranspiration are those that register the highest levels of water footprint: El Carmen and San Nicolás.

Figure 2 Evapotranspiration. 

Water footprint in economic terms

Given the economic and social importance of the sugar activity, since the middle of the last century, a decree was issued, so that the agricultural areas in influence of the mills were prohibited from sowing crops other than sugarcane, with the exception of activities linked to crop rotation practices. After that, the different decrees, regulations and laws that have been approved to regulate the sugar activity have highlighted the statement of public interest of all activities related to the industry, from sowing to industrialization.

The yield per hectare is an important indicator for any crop, it also has a relevant role in the context of the calculation of the water footprint. This information is shown in Table 3, where it was observed that the areas that supply cane to the mills that have the highest yields also include the smallest areas, so it is possible that they have greater control of the production process: San Miguelito and El Refugio. While the mill El Carmen, with the smallest area, registers an intermediate yield (65 t ha-1).

Table 3 Yield and area of sugarcane in the area of the Papaloapan mills. 

Mill State Gross milled cane (t) Area (ha) Yield (t ha-1)
La Margarita Oaxaca 1 123 351 19 077 58.9
El Refugio Oaxaca 471 423 6 456 73
Constancia Veracruz 771 752 12 655 61
Central Motzorongo Veracruz 1 338 219 21 267 62.9
El Carmen Veracruz 242 071 3 724 65
La Providencia Veracruz 864 446 15 005 57.6
San Nicolás Veracruz 1 014 907 14 981 67.7
San Cristóbal Veracruz 2 646 308 53 825 49.2
San Pedro Veracruz 1 202 882 18 736 64.2
San José de Abajo Veracruz 512 984 9 091 56.4
San Miguelito Veracruz 485 674 5 931 81.9
Tres Valles Veracruz 2 329 987 36 225 64.3

The first finding is that there are three mills that exceed 20 000 m3 of footprint per hectare, more than 5 000 m3 than those with the smallest values (Figure 3). Since water has a value, which in most cases can be expressed in monetary units, this indicates that a valuable resource is being lost or not used in this crop. It also says that there is an area of opportunity to improve the management of cane cultivation, using better cultivation practices, such as tillering after harvest to retain moisture, improve fertilization, carry out emergent and post-emergent control of weeds and pests, such as the borer, or using better seedling or seed to improve yield and thus reduce the water footprint that is a loss of water from the basin.

Figure 3 Water footprint per hectare. 

In other studies, such as that carried out in a region of Jalisco in which a value for the water footprint of 104.9 m3 t-1 was obtained, under conditions of water stress, they show a great difference (Haro et al., 2014). In general, the economic explanations that have to do with agricultural inputs, once the technology to be used in production has been selected, refer to the different quantities of the input in question that are optimal both from the technical point of view and from the economic point of view; that is, how much it is recommended to use the input in question so that it is economically advantageous. If the producer does not have the economic resources to acquire the recommended amount of input, this information makes it possible to know the contribution in monetary units of the last applied unit of the variable input in question; that is, the value of the marginal productivity of the input.

In the case of the water footprint, we talk about the value expressed in monetary units, units of a resource that are lost in the process, not of what it contributes, the water footprint is an amount of water per tonne of sugarcane that is lost from the basin and that will no longer be available, for that crop, or for any other. In relation to the income per ton of cane per m3 of footprint, the highest values are for La Margarita, San Cristóbal, San Pedro and La Constancia (Figure 4).

Figure 4 Monetary estimation of the water footprint per ton. 

This magnitude was also calculated for the case of the value of production, which is expressed per hectare. It is observed that when the water footprint per hectare is expressed with respect to the value of the production, the highest values that are found in San Cristóbal and Tres Valles (Figure 5). The study did not calculate the value of water, nor its marginal productivity, but the concept of water footprint is an indicator that could give information regarding the way in which the water resource of the basin is being used and the need to improve the management of this or perhaps the use of the resource in other crops or economic activities. The information shown in Figure 5 corresponds to the monetary value of the basin water outlet in each sugarcane-producing area per hectare.

Figure 5 Monetary estimation of the water footprint per hectare. 


The water footprint of sugarcane is larger compared to other crops in the country for which data are available. In the area, there are important variations with a difference of 89 m3 t-1, between the minimum and maximum value, which indicates an area of opportunity. The water footprint of the sugarcane grown in the areas that supply the mills located in this basin is explained to a greater extent by evapotranspiration and yield. Then the increase in productivity opens the possibility to reduce this indicator.

Among the cultural activities that can be improved are: tillering after harvest to retain moisture, improve fertilization, carry out emergent and post-emergent control of weeds and pests such as the borer. About the water footprint in the area, it is concluded that the mills with larger areas have less control of the production processes, which is reflected in the yields. For this case, it can be said that there are diseconomies of scale.

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Received: October 2021; Accepted: January 2022

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