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vol.13 número2Influencia de variables experimentales en las propiedades mecánicas de los concretos reforzados con fibras de acero (SFRC) en experimentos de degradación por cloruros: revisión bibliográfica y análisis estadísticoEstudio de paneles de hormigón impermeabilizado con aditivo reductor de permeabilidad a base de silicatos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2007-6835


NAVARRETE-SERAS, M. et al. Influence of sand proportion in the physical and mechanical properties of construction and building mortars. Rev. ALCONPAT [online]. 2023, vol.13, n.2, pp.158-174.  Epub 09-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2007-6835.

The influence of the sand proportion in mortars Type II was studied, according to the standard N-CMT-2-01-004/02, using three fine aggregates from the region of Morelia, in Michoacan, and determining their influence in the physico-mechanical properties, while considering the use of different cementitious materials (CM): Portland cement plus lime (B1), and Portland cement plus construction cement (B2). Mortar mixtures were designed for B1 and B2 with volume ratios of aggregates/CM, from 2.25 to 4, determining the fluency, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and the wet electrical resistivity (WER). The relation between the fluency and the ratio water/CM were studied, concluding that the aggregate type and the proportions employed modify the fluency and the water demand in the fresh state of the mortar, and consequently impact the UCS and WER.

Palabras llave : construction mortars; electrical resistivity; fine aggregates; mechanical resistance; sieve analysis.

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