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vol.14 número27Gobierno abierto: acciones hacia la gobernanza local en MéxicoEvaluación del e-learning mediante gamificación: estrategia complementaria al modelo presencial. Caso en el grupo de 5.º, escuela primaria Valle de Bravo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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RIDE. Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo

versión On-line ISSN 2007-7467


ROJAS MALDONADO, Erick Radaí. Impact of prior knowledge of Algebra and Arithmetic on learning differential calculus functions. RIDE. Rev. Iberoam. Investig. Desarro. Educ [online]. 2023, vol.14, n.27, e575.  Epub 14-Abr-2024. ISSN 2007-7467.

Differential calculus is one of the most complex areas of mathematics and, in many cases, represents a real challenge for students. One of the reasons for this is that, to approach differential calculus, it is necessary to have solid knowledge in previous areas of mathematics, such as algebra and arithmetic. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze the impact of prior knowledge of algebra and arithmetic on learning functions in differential calculus, under a quantitative paradigm, through a non-experimental and exploratory study with a sample of 27 students and a correlation analysis.

It is concluded that the score of prior knowledge is positively related to the score of functions, and there is no significant difference in the score of functions and gender. Age is also not an important factor in predicting performance in functions.

Palabras llave : differential calculus; prior knowledge; functions; mathematics education.

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